Vernon Jackson stars as Stokley Turner, a young man who finds himself facing a life sentence in prison. However, the city's most notorious drug dealer wants revenge after being crippled at t... Read allVernon Jackson stars as Stokley Turner, a young man who finds himself facing a life sentence in prison. However, the city's most notorious drug dealer wants revenge after being crippled at the hands of Stokley. With the help of the crooked Chief of Police, Stokley is released int... Read allVernon Jackson stars as Stokley Turner, a young man who finds himself facing a life sentence in prison. However, the city's most notorious drug dealer wants revenge after being crippled at the hands of Stokley. With the help of the crooked Chief of Police, Stokley is released into the dangerous underbelly of Iowa City, Iowa. And a new hotshot politician may not exactl... Read all