Once Upon A Crime: Hansel and Ghetto
Hansel and Ghetto is a modern-day twist on the classic fairy-tale "Hansel and Gretel." Hansel (Renako Harmon) and Gretel (Cymiah Alexander) are siblings in present-day times. While Hansel ge... Read allHansel and Ghetto is a modern-day twist on the classic fairy-tale "Hansel and Gretel." Hansel (Renako Harmon) and Gretel (Cymiah Alexander) are siblings in present-day times. While Hansel gets ready for an interview, he begins to question if he may be looked at differently due to... Read allHansel and Ghetto is a modern-day twist on the classic fairy-tale "Hansel and Gretel." Hansel (Renako Harmon) and Gretel (Cymiah Alexander) are siblings in present-day times. While Hansel gets ready for an interview, he begins to question if he may be looked at differently due to his race. At the same time, Gretel is having a hard time being herself in front of her fr... Read all