Peter Sarsgaard credited as playing...
- Chuck: But tomorrow's Linda's big day. She needs me. Send somebody else.
- Butchie Peraino: OK. How about I send Linda for the film, and you can spend tomorrow with Harry's cock down your throat?
- Chuck: [to Anthony Romano] This isn't small-time. I'm meeting this guy at Hef's party, OK? This guy, he owns half the adult bookstores on the West Coast. Millions in merchandise. Linda, like, sweet talks this guy, right? Or better yet, she sweet sucks this guy... we're made in the shade!
- Chuck: You lost us a movie deal tonight. Just sittin' up on stage, taking bows like - Princess "Fuckin'" Grace.
- Linda: I'm sorry, Chuck.
- Chuck: Fifty, maybe a hundred thousand.
- Linda: To do another fuck film?
- Chuck: No, Linda, it's Shakespeare. I told them you do a great English accent, particularly with a cock down your throat.
- Chuck: A foxy girl like you should love to show off her body. Come on. Come on. Let me see it. Come on. Let me see it.
- Chuck: Come on.
- Linda: I don't want to.
- Chuck: You know, maybe that's because you're not any good at it. Come on, you're going to love it.
- Linda: Really?
- Chuck: Yeah.
- Linda: I'll like it? Choking myself?
- Chuck: I could teach you. Remember how I got you to quit smoking?
- Linda: Yeah. You gonna hypnotize me?
- Chuck: Its the same mind-body control technique. Yeah? Outta sight! Ah! Okay, your mind has control. Come on. A little more. There you go. Take it in. That's right. Don't forget to breathe.
- Gerry Damiano: Did you see this? Look at this. Look at this. Do you see this?
- Butchie Peraino: No shit.
- Gerry Damiano: Oh!
- Butchie Peraino: Wait. Is that real?
- Gerry Damiano: Is she actually doin' that?
- Chuck: Yeah. Right.
- Gerry Damiano: Oh my God!
- Butchie Peraino: Could she do that with a big cock? No offense.
- Chuck: She could do that with anything.
- Gerry Damiano: That's far out. That is - you see that? That is art, baby. That is art.
- Gerry Damiano: The point is, we traffic in fantasy here. Yeah, she's very *real*. The kind of girl you sit next to in class, you see her out in the street, you wanna ball her. But, you know, you've seen the girls that come in and do this now. I mean, they've all been to the surgeon. I mean, you can't light your cigarette around 'em, you're afraid there tits are gonna blow up like the Hindenburg or something.
- Chuck: Linda has tits.
- Hugh Hefner: Linda!
- Chuck: That's what I call a welcoming committee. Right on.
- Hugh Hefner: Linda.
- Linda: Hi, Mr. Hefner.
- Hugh Hefner: Hef, please. Welcome to your party.
- [to Chuck]
- Hugh Hefner: How about I trade you two blondes for a brunette?
- Chuck: Yeah!
- Chuck: She's a brand name. She's like Betty "Fuckin'" Crocker.
- Anthony Romano: No, she's Linda "Fuckin'' Lovelace.