One of the funniest movies I've ever seen! Yes, it has some cheesy parts, but it is overall hilarious. There is a Christian/good moral theme, but it isn't pushy at all. It puts you to mind of "Napoleon Dynamite" meets "Dick Van Dyke".
The story is about a family (three brothers and a sister) who are about tho find out the contents of their parents will after twelve years of waiting. The movie focuses on the oldest brother - James, and his role in helping raise his youngest brother - Bobby.
The movie deals with selfishness, family, open communication, relationships, and character issues. One of the best moral themes of the movie is the love and acceptance of everyone. There is some small poking of fun at the goth culture in general and a poking of fun at the way many adults view Goths (i.e. a car salesman sees a goth kid on the lot and calls for security: "the circus is back in town"), but the movie depicts these as kids that simply need to be loved.
This is not a deep movie, nor an action-packed movie, but it is light-hearted and sure to make you laugh!