I really liked the first episode, at this point, I thought we would follow this young boy how he get more and more criminal as he found out, that being a villain is much more profitable etc. Something like Invincible, but other direction
What I got was this one episode, suddenly after that he is an adult whose most remarkable feature isn't his powers, but spouting dumb stuff and doing this whistle everytime something seems cool. He does dumb stuff all the time and behaves like an asshat, even to his girlfriend he "loves so much, and he will change", and not just once! This Protagonist made me really mad at this point a bit after half the season was over. That was where I watched because I hoped it would get better, but the ending could be seen from miles away (even though I am nearsighted).
Wanted to give it 6 Stars, but while writing I had to go down to 5.