Christopher Mintz-Plasse credited as playing...
- Charley Brewster: You read way too much Twilight.
- Ed Lee: Twilight? That's fiction! This thing is for real! He's a real monster and he's not brooding, or lovesick, or noble. He's the fucking shark from Jaws. He kills, he feeds, and he doesn't stop until everybody around him is dead. I am seriously so angry that you think I read Twilight!
- Ed Lee: I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but that guy - your neighbor; yeah, he's a vampire, man.
- Charley Brewster: My neighbor?
- Ed Lee: Yeah.
- Charley Brewster: Next door?
- Ed Lee: Yeah.
- Charley Brewster: Jerry. I just met him.
- Ed Lee: Okay. Jerry.
- Charley Brewster: That is a terrible vampire name. Jerry?
- Ed Lee: I didn't name him, man. I'm just reporting the facts.
- Charley Brewster: Wait a minute. You get deliveries this late?
- Peter Vincent: Yeah. Um, no. I don't know.
- Charley Brewster: Oh, shit. No. You said that guy could come in. That's a...
- Ed Lee: [interrupting] That's an invitation, airhead.
- Ed Lee: You want me to go tell your pals how well we really know each other? The LEGO contests, the Farscape conventions, the costumes?
- Charley Brewster: Please, stop.
- Ed Lee: Or how about that one time you took my Stretch Armstrong so you could tie it around your balls and jerk off for an hour?
- Ed Lee: You know Adam's missing, right?
- Charley Brewster: What do you mean Adam's missing?
- Ed Lee: I keep trying him. No texts, no phone calls, nothing. I don't know if you were paying attention to roll call, but he's not the only one that's gone.
- Ed Lee: [to Peter, over intercom] Hey, are you enjoying your panic room, master of darkness? God, you are such a pussy. I love it!
- Ed Lee: You know, I expected more of a fight from you, Brewster. Girl's made you lazy in the head. Pussy will do that.
- Ed Lee: What the fuck happened to you? We were inseperable.
- Charley Brewster: Yeah, well you know when my life started to get better? When I stopped being friends with you.