The documentary started out OK, pointing out that men's sexual dysfunction has been cured with Viagra, but women's has gone on abandoned (note, Viagra only corrects impotence, not low libido, so no, it is NOT cured). The race is then on to find the equivalent V for women through various means.
First we start with the drug companies, where we find the search is not only fruitless, but the host now suggests that it is possibly fruitless because women's sexual dysfunction is not real, but rather one pushed onto us by drug companies who then want to sell us the magical cure.
Then we explore other avenues such as machines and gadgets, some in theory working much like a "super dildo". According to the host, again the search is fruitless.
Then we explore surgery. This is where things start to get nasty and hypocritical while taking on a new tone. We are told that women can get cosmetic surgery to assist them quest for sexual dysfunction. The information is presented to us in a "shock" like strategy. Once we are fully mortified, the film goes on to blame society (read "men" only) who are to blame for pressuring women into this space. We now enter man hating misandrist territory. After they complain about how its all the fault of the male, partly because they do not know how to please a women's vagina, and partly to show the result of the surgery, we are shown photos of the result, although, we don't see the photo's so how are men supposed to know? In a era were explicit penis filled movies on prime time attract a G rating (in AUS), the hypocritical misandrists have even censored out the photos. It is about here I decided I could not take any more and switched it off with about 15 minutes to go.
Another total disappointing documentary that highlights women's issues and finishes off by blaming men for all of their problems. In reality, all of the studies show that it is women who bully and shame other women about their bodies and not men, so apart from the underlying misandrist themes, I could not see any purpose to this documentary at all.
Apart from fueling more hate and resentment towards the male population in general, very little could be learned by anyone with this show.