This story is based on a book written in the late 1800's, speculating on what may have been discussed by Jesus and his twelve apostles in the last few hours before he was arrested and soon after crucified. It depicts what they may have discussed that night (beyond what is mentioned in biblical scripture), as they shared a Passover meal, now known as the Last Supper.
Think of the one-act-play approach that the classic jury drama, 12 Angry Men, uses. It's primarily a character driven study, all dialog, and all taking place in one room. The production is on a limited budget and is marred by some technical problems, but it's an earnest effort. In spite of the limited resources, there's a lot of effort in taking different point-of-view shots to convey proper meaning. The cast do more than an adequate job, showing sincerity and conviction in what's being said.
Some of this hard work is undermined by the technical weaknesses. Occasionally, volume levels from mics change in the middle of a line. Black-out moments are used too frequently. There is some choppy editing, and sometimes it's not too clear which character is speaking.
Overall, thoughtful writing, if you can ignore the technical problems.