John Carradine credited as playing...
- John Carradine: I turned down Frankenstein. Boris took it.
- Vincent Price: You're kidding!
- John Carradine: No, I'm not. They sent me off to the makeup department, and the makeup man started mixing up a bowl of plaster, and I, being a sculptor, knew just what he was up to. They were making life-masks. And I said, "Wait a minute, what is this? What is this?" He said, "You play a monster." I said, "Oh, do I have any dialogue?" He said, "No." I said, "I don't have any dialogue?" He said, "No, you just grunt." That's not for me, and I walked out. A few months later they got Boris, and he took it. I never regretted it and he never ceased to regret it.