The movie was okay. I just finished watching it on the movie network. Jason Priestly (Robert) is an important figure in the movie, and plays a father role who just finished writing a novel. Priestly doesn't really do much acting in this role, it is mainly done by his wife who is the one who really shows the courage in this movie. His wife played by Andrea Roth(Teresa), also the stepmother of his daughter. His daughter is played by Genenvieve Buchner (Megan). It starts off pretty well with an opening scene of future events to come and how they get caught in a big storm on their family boat. The movie portrays how a modern family overcomes their differences and work together to survive difficult situations. The acting overall isn't really that great but not bad for a made for t.v. movie. It does keep you interested as to what is going to happen next. I would say it's movie that you can watch with the family, especially if you have a teenager's who give you a hard time. They may learn to appreciate you more if you were in this situation as this family was. Also, a good one for those struggling step mothers who have a hard time bonding with their step children.
On a side note they state on the movie network that their is some nudity in it. Well let me just let you know, that no nudity occurred.