Liam Neeson credited as playing...
Admiral Shane
- Secretary of Defense: [from the Pentagon] Just scramble the jets, Admiral! We need to get in there-!
- Admiral Shane: I'm far more aware than you of the need to get inside! But wasting lives will not help! You want me to send up another plane? I'll do it the second you get up here and put your ass in the co-pilot's seat, *sir*!
- [slams phone down]
- Admiral Shane: [to Alex] Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for lunch. Think I'll have a chicken burrito.
- Admiral Shane: [Reprimends Alex Hopper] What is wrong with you? You've got skills, but I have never, EVER seen a man waste them like you. Keep the ship out of the surf and spray...
- Alex Hopper: [interrupts Admiral Shane] ... or you'll plunge to destruction. Homer, Sir.
- Admiral Shane: The fact that you know that infuriates me beyond words. What my daughter sees in you is a great mystery to me. You're a very smart individual, with very weak character, leadership and decision-making skills. Do you have anything to say to me, ANYTHING?
- Alex Hopper: Negative, Sir.
- Admiral Shane: Enjoy these naval exercises, Hopper. They're likely to be your last. Dismissed!
- Admiral Shane: Put the force at weapons posture one, warning red, weapons tight. I want everything loaded.