It's curious to see the interplay between the high-flying bosses and the enthusiastic junior employees. Often the bosses are unfit to do the jobs and often they are just going about the motions, not even pretending to be worried that their menial job is on the line.
I don't know whether to blame the show or the culture of North America, but I find it distasteful when the bosses reveal themselves and give out gifts at the end. Having a CEO tell you that you did a really good job should feel special; that's all that really needs to happen. Instead, they want to out-do Oprah and give employees holidays, cars etc. I once even saw one of these bosses give a worker 2 promotions. How does one keep morale in the rest of the team when they know that just because the boss stumbled across this guy, he got promoted from under them to above them?
The problems revealed are often along the lines of "yeah, this has been a problem for a while, but management doesn't care". Going undercover shouldn't really be necessary for that kind of problem.