I haven't watched the full movie yet, and only watched parts of the movie, so I'll re watch the movie due to the toxic things it sheds light on, and what needs to be fixed. The positives of this movie is that it's bringing issues we humans have in the real world, which perfectly matches which we're dealing with is labor, expectations, and impacts it has on relationships with anyone not just romantic, it includes family, and friends.
What I didn't seen coming is the couple bashing at each other. Because both of them needed rest and vacation from work, and rest for real. I've watched some films or shows where the author of the original story, characters, and ideas exposes the toxicity of work, and the impacts it has on us humans psychologically, and spiritually.
The reason I gave a six which could be relationships are not perfect, and there will be some challenges, and struggles ahead of them, still there will be positives. Instead of blaming each other the character could understand each other, and clear up any misunderstandings. Plus, misconceptions in relationships brings more pain, so the characters shouldn't make things difficult as it seems, and fix their mistakes, or move on already.
Overall, this is not a bad film it's average and the characters needs to spend quality time together, and find a job without toxic manager, or boss who is not an ass.