I have many problems with this film. But I will start with the positives. The acting is pretty decent and the writing is not bad but could be improved. I like the humble start to this film. But there are many, many problems. The TWIST to this film is very forced and surprisingly bad! I felt like the writers and director were going to make a simple, cliche type of romance comedy film. But when they didn't know how to end the film..
They just rewrote the whole film so that the twist could work. I liked how the start of the film was going. It was not amazing the was done well. But the third act really made this whole film tumble down. The twist is very confusing and because of how the film is set up to be.
Also some characters are left out that were great in my opinion. Like the parents, they were great side characters! This film leaves you feeling very empty and doesn't really establish a good moral. Overall I do not recommend this film unless you are REALLY bored and have nothing to do. This film represents a good start, but a bad ending.