I can only assume the 13 ratings posted thus far are from people involved in the production. I hosted a movie night at my house last night. When we saw The Weathered Underground at the movie store, it sounded like a really fun choice for the evening. I pulled it up on IMDb, saw an extremely high 13 ratings with a few really rave reviews, and decided we'd take the chance. Bad call. Never trust high ratings with such a low count.
Where to begin...the production values are abysmal, the writing is awful and preachy, the plot is unnatural, the acting is sub-par, and the "choices" are ridiculous and poorly set up. There's an extremely unpleasant and distracting visual effect applied to the movie. It looks grainy at times and washed out at others. I'm really not sure where they were going with it; perhaps they were trying for a "comic book" feel. Or maybe they just wanted to mask the fake-looking choices of location by making it so difficult to actually make out any details in the scene that you can't tell where they are. I can only speculate. Worst of all, it's really boring. The characters drone on and on as though they were carrying on a dull conversation in real-life between people without much to talk about. We found ourselves selecting choices based on which one would "mix it up" the most, because of just how dull the current scene was.
I don't often stop watching a movie I've paid to watch, but after about 30 minutes of this we couldn't take any more. Luckily we picked up a backup to fall back on. I can appreciate the "so-bad-it's-good" movies from time to time, but with this one you'll just find yourself bored and upset by all the terrible choices. This would be a decent submission for a film class, which film students would have every right to be proud of. But beyond that, as a serious movie you pay money for, it's pretty darn bad. Don't waste your time on this one.