27 reviews
There is an extreme controversy that has leaped to the forefront of internet culture over the past few years. Pertaining to web-critic Chris Bores, a man better known by the title of "The Irate Gamer."
For some background, "The Irate Gamer" is a series in which Bores appears in character, and "reviews" video-games. Often games that are considered too difficult, of a poor quality, or flawed in some way. Within the context of the series, Bores is a short-tempered man, who will eventually reach such a point of frustration, he will begin to rage (becoming, as the title implies, irate), generally culminating in a flurry of insults using all sorts of colorful language that IMDb will definitely not let me repeat.
The series also features a number of running gags, secondary characters and other assorted elements to keep the material fresh.
That's a fundamentally solid set-up for what promises to be a good, fun series. Which is where the controversy comes in- Bores wasn't the first person to do this. And in fact, much of Bores' shtick is heavily inspired by (if not outright plagiarized from) the well-known internet critic "The Angry Video Game Nerd." (created and portrayed by James Rolfe.) Bores has even gone so far as to admit that the "Nerd" was a heavy inspiration for his character. (Though he has since attempted to deny this) And many rightfully feel Bores has been shameless in stealing material from Rolfe's series. (As I said above, he's borderline plagiarized Rolfe's material on several occasion) And this has lead to a lot of bad blood and extreme backlash between Bores and the numerous individuals online who view his content. And it is an issue that will likely remain controversial for years to come.
But I'm going to attempt to remain neutral on this issue, and give my thoughts on "The Irate Gamer" without factoring in this ongoing controversy. And it's unfortunate, but even beyond the controversy, I don't believe there is much to like here.
Bores just isn't charismatic or likable enough in his delivery or look for this sort-of material. Nor is there enough of a wit to his writing.
I really hate to use these words (as I don't want to appear mean), but Bores comes across as far too awkward and forced when he's on-screen, and his look and general demeanor don't quite fit with what he's going for. You never really buy the idea that he's becoming angry. And you definitely do not buy the idea that he really means what he is saying. He has too much of a sort-of dopey "everyman" feel to him, and he just cannot emote the anger he is going for. While his heart may be in the material, you just can't feel it. I don't think this is necessarily Bores fault. Some people just cannot pull off certain types of material. But by attempting to force it, Bores makes the episodes almost hard to sit through, because it feels too much like a performance. It's unnatural.
Adding to that, Bores has also exhibited a degree of selfishness and spitefulness in the series several times. Even becoming sort-of a bully to people who do not like him. And it's not in the context of his character. It's clearly a bit of narcissism on his part coming through in his writing. I've watched quite a few of his episodes out of curiosity, and I was shocked by the pettiness he displayed at times. Dismissing everyone else. Being incredibly mean-spirited. Even throwing rather nasty "Easter Eggs" into at least one video that take subtle swipes at the "Angry Video Game Nerd." (Despite the fact that Bores has taken his material in the past.) I can be accepting of Bores being un-charismatic, because that's not necessarily his fault. But to become so spiteful at times is uncalled for and I have a much harder time forgiving that.
The writing leaves much to be called for. Bores doesn't seem to necessarily understand the art of writing jokes. Or how to string together sentences or cuss-word-loaded exclamations in an amusing fashion. Bores has tried to introduce narratives to his reviews, but I find that they are ill-structured, and often feel a bit meandering and underdeveloped. The humor is far too random, and includes many moments that will leave the audience scratching their heads.
While he will sometimes bring up valid points, and even deliver occasional good, original content, I find that his pattern of consistent sub-par writing, his lack of presence on-screen and his occasional attitude problems rob too much of any potential likability and watchability he might have otherwise had. His episodes that do work are too few and too far between.
And I cannot help but interject that the clear stealing of material from other internet critics (obviously most notably James Rolfe) is a huge problem.
I am giving "The Irate Gamer" a 2 out of 10. I don't believe he's quite as bad as he has been made out to be, but I still find his work of a generally exceedingly poor quality. And I think it's best to skip it.
For some background, "The Irate Gamer" is a series in which Bores appears in character, and "reviews" video-games. Often games that are considered too difficult, of a poor quality, or flawed in some way. Within the context of the series, Bores is a short-tempered man, who will eventually reach such a point of frustration, he will begin to rage (becoming, as the title implies, irate), generally culminating in a flurry of insults using all sorts of colorful language that IMDb will definitely not let me repeat.
The series also features a number of running gags, secondary characters and other assorted elements to keep the material fresh.
That's a fundamentally solid set-up for what promises to be a good, fun series. Which is where the controversy comes in- Bores wasn't the first person to do this. And in fact, much of Bores' shtick is heavily inspired by (if not outright plagiarized from) the well-known internet critic "The Angry Video Game Nerd." (created and portrayed by James Rolfe.) Bores has even gone so far as to admit that the "Nerd" was a heavy inspiration for his character. (Though he has since attempted to deny this) And many rightfully feel Bores has been shameless in stealing material from Rolfe's series. (As I said above, he's borderline plagiarized Rolfe's material on several occasion) And this has lead to a lot of bad blood and extreme backlash between Bores and the numerous individuals online who view his content. And it is an issue that will likely remain controversial for years to come.
But I'm going to attempt to remain neutral on this issue, and give my thoughts on "The Irate Gamer" without factoring in this ongoing controversy. And it's unfortunate, but even beyond the controversy, I don't believe there is much to like here.
Bores just isn't charismatic or likable enough in his delivery or look for this sort-of material. Nor is there enough of a wit to his writing.
I really hate to use these words (as I don't want to appear mean), but Bores comes across as far too awkward and forced when he's on-screen, and his look and general demeanor don't quite fit with what he's going for. You never really buy the idea that he's becoming angry. And you definitely do not buy the idea that he really means what he is saying. He has too much of a sort-of dopey "everyman" feel to him, and he just cannot emote the anger he is going for. While his heart may be in the material, you just can't feel it. I don't think this is necessarily Bores fault. Some people just cannot pull off certain types of material. But by attempting to force it, Bores makes the episodes almost hard to sit through, because it feels too much like a performance. It's unnatural.
Adding to that, Bores has also exhibited a degree of selfishness and spitefulness in the series several times. Even becoming sort-of a bully to people who do not like him. And it's not in the context of his character. It's clearly a bit of narcissism on his part coming through in his writing. I've watched quite a few of his episodes out of curiosity, and I was shocked by the pettiness he displayed at times. Dismissing everyone else. Being incredibly mean-spirited. Even throwing rather nasty "Easter Eggs" into at least one video that take subtle swipes at the "Angry Video Game Nerd." (Despite the fact that Bores has taken his material in the past.) I can be accepting of Bores being un-charismatic, because that's not necessarily his fault. But to become so spiteful at times is uncalled for and I have a much harder time forgiving that.
The writing leaves much to be called for. Bores doesn't seem to necessarily understand the art of writing jokes. Or how to string together sentences or cuss-word-loaded exclamations in an amusing fashion. Bores has tried to introduce narratives to his reviews, but I find that they are ill-structured, and often feel a bit meandering and underdeveloped. The humor is far too random, and includes many moments that will leave the audience scratching their heads.
While he will sometimes bring up valid points, and even deliver occasional good, original content, I find that his pattern of consistent sub-par writing, his lack of presence on-screen and his occasional attitude problems rob too much of any potential likability and watchability he might have otherwise had. His episodes that do work are too few and too far between.
And I cannot help but interject that the clear stealing of material from other internet critics (obviously most notably James Rolfe) is a huge problem.
I am giving "The Irate Gamer" a 2 out of 10. I don't believe he's quite as bad as he has been made out to be, but I still find his work of a generally exceedingly poor quality. And I think it's best to skip it.
- TedStixonAKAMaximumMadness
- Sep 11, 2014
- Permalink
The Irate Gamer gets a lot of hate on YouTube. For good reason. He blatantly rips off the AVGN, he isn't funny, and he tries to control every square inch of his channel and videos. But, it's watchable. It's not like the Bubsy cartoon pilot, where you wonder "Why am I doing this?" 10 seconds after you turn it on. No, "The Irate Gamer" is watchable and tolerable. That being said, he isn't enjoyable. There is a HUGE difference between, "enjoyable" and "watchable". "Watchable" means it doesn't kill you the moment you turn it on. "Enjoyable" means you find worth and happiness in it. Chris Bores' show is watchable, but it's not enjoyable. So, for those of you that think he makes a good show, fine. I won't disagree with you, because there are people who think he makes a good product. But, if you are like me, or if you're trying to find opinions on who is better, watch the AVGN instead of the Irate Hack, because if you are looking for laugh-out-loud moments, you won't find any with Chris Bores.
I realize there is a hate on for this guy but I'm going to do a quick summary of the big picture from a retro gamer/collectors perspective.
Honestly, I've seen worse. This doesn't justify anything good or bad from his reviews but it is what it is, a low budget web show. I don't feel he is the great actor or even a good one at that but I enjoy watching NES, Atari, and so on reviews. Because of his strength is not acting I think taking a more narrative approach (like Aqualungs Atari Reviews) would really help him out with this problem. Maybe do more of an animated approach to the review (Code Monkeys did a great job of this) could have help out with the lack of alternative actors that appear on the show as well.
I always though he was a bit of a mock AVGN wannabe but he's not alone in that department and you know what, his History of Video Games series made me think twice about making that initial judgement call.
Overall I think he tries a bit too hard and needs to play on his strengths more then rehashing his weakness time and time again. Its not a horrible web show and he gets a lot of flack for it, which is too bad cause internet heroes are a dime a dozen and I would like to see a fraction of people even make the attempt. Not defending him by any means, he's done some things that are a little hard not to comment on but there's a little more to see here than just flaws.
Me I watch it time and again but I don't think I will be buying anything from his store anytime soon. It is what it is, take it or leave it really. I got a soft spot for retro gaming, so this is one of the web shows I check out.
Honestly, I've seen worse. This doesn't justify anything good or bad from his reviews but it is what it is, a low budget web show. I don't feel he is the great actor or even a good one at that but I enjoy watching NES, Atari, and so on reviews. Because of his strength is not acting I think taking a more narrative approach (like Aqualungs Atari Reviews) would really help him out with this problem. Maybe do more of an animated approach to the review (Code Monkeys did a great job of this) could have help out with the lack of alternative actors that appear on the show as well.
I always though he was a bit of a mock AVGN wannabe but he's not alone in that department and you know what, his History of Video Games series made me think twice about making that initial judgement call.
Overall I think he tries a bit too hard and needs to play on his strengths more then rehashing his weakness time and time again. Its not a horrible web show and he gets a lot of flack for it, which is too bad cause internet heroes are a dime a dozen and I would like to see a fraction of people even make the attempt. Not defending him by any means, he's done some things that are a little hard not to comment on but there's a little more to see here than just flaws.
Me I watch it time and again but I don't think I will be buying anything from his store anytime soon. It is what it is, take it or leave it really. I got a soft spot for retro gaming, so this is one of the web shows I check out.
- kirklandkonnection
- Nov 19, 2012
- Permalink
Five reasons why The Irate Gamer should not be watched by anyone.
5.Chris Bores can't act. If you are going to make a show with the gimmick that you sit in front of a camcorder and act angry, make sure that you know how to act. Any small piece of acting would be good. Bores is a terrible actor. He can't even make a convincing grunt while he plays video games.
4.Highly unfunny. If you are going to make a comedy show, make sure that you are funny. Bores does a blend of observational humor and slapstick that have it in common to be unfunny and predictable. For example; When reviewing Tetris in a very bland manner, Bores mentions how addictive the game can be but says that he's not affected, just like clockwork, we are treated to a cut of a black screen with the letters 'couple of hours later' where we then see Bores acting like a Heroin Junkie, sweaty screaming out "I want my Tetris". Not only was this joke very predictable to the audience, but it was done in such a manner that I can't imagine anyone laughing at it.
3.He's not a Gamer. If you are going to make a show about video games, make sure that you can play them. Bores might be a couple of things. A Martial Artist, a Ghost Hunter, a college graduate (at least according to him) but he ain't no gamer. This becomes highly obvious when he complains about how some, if not all, of the games that he plays are too hard, and these include games that six year old kids were beating on their first try. Only eight seconds into Contra, he got killed, which he then blamed on the game, for being too hard. This often lead to Bores cheating his way through the game or playing it on the easiest difficulty level. Which is just plain stupid. He's there to review a game, not skip through it on the easiest setting. Would you watch a cooking show where the cook would simply order take-out because cooking is way too hard? I don't think so.
2.He's not a reviewer. If you are going to make a show where you review games, please be sure that you are able to review things. Reviewing is not really a skill, it's just saying your opinion on something in a manner that most people can understand it, Bores takes whatever game he can get his hands on, talks about it's flaws (like, how easy to die it is for him) and then says it's terrible. He often doesn't bother to go into any detail, with most of his episodes ranging from 2 to 5 minutes in length (with maybe some additional minutes for abysmal acting).
1.RIPP-OFF. The concept of the show came from the much more talented and enjoyable James Rolfe who created the character of the Angry Video Game Nerd back in 2004. After becoming a YouTube sensation in 2006, Chris Bores mimicked him with his show, something that he admitted, although privately to the AVGN Homepage, and has denied since. All comments on YouTube about the similarities are often taken down minutes after being posted and Bores pretty much pretends that James Rolfe doesn't exists, unless he gets pinpointed in a radio interview, where he will say that it's all a coincidence, despite saying in the mail to James Rolfe (that was posted on Rolfe's forum) that he was inspired by his world famous 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle' review, which makes sense, seeing that the Irate Gamer did not only review the exact same game, but he also stole a large portion of Rolfe's jokes, and in order to not come of as a plagiarist, he decided to review the highly popular and well made Konami sequels, which he reviewed poorly, saying that they were just as terrible. Bores has often stolen more subtle jokes from other YouTube NES reviewers, including from the lesser known WizWar, where he stole a lot from his Predator review, including his 'Fists of Fury' punchline and from VideoGamesAreAwesome who did a hilarious dance video with R.O.B. and were badly mimicked by Bores.
5.Chris Bores can't act. If you are going to make a show with the gimmick that you sit in front of a camcorder and act angry, make sure that you know how to act. Any small piece of acting would be good. Bores is a terrible actor. He can't even make a convincing grunt while he plays video games.
4.Highly unfunny. If you are going to make a comedy show, make sure that you are funny. Bores does a blend of observational humor and slapstick that have it in common to be unfunny and predictable. For example; When reviewing Tetris in a very bland manner, Bores mentions how addictive the game can be but says that he's not affected, just like clockwork, we are treated to a cut of a black screen with the letters 'couple of hours later' where we then see Bores acting like a Heroin Junkie, sweaty screaming out "I want my Tetris". Not only was this joke very predictable to the audience, but it was done in such a manner that I can't imagine anyone laughing at it.
3.He's not a Gamer. If you are going to make a show about video games, make sure that you can play them. Bores might be a couple of things. A Martial Artist, a Ghost Hunter, a college graduate (at least according to him) but he ain't no gamer. This becomes highly obvious when he complains about how some, if not all, of the games that he plays are too hard, and these include games that six year old kids were beating on their first try. Only eight seconds into Contra, he got killed, which he then blamed on the game, for being too hard. This often lead to Bores cheating his way through the game or playing it on the easiest difficulty level. Which is just plain stupid. He's there to review a game, not skip through it on the easiest setting. Would you watch a cooking show where the cook would simply order take-out because cooking is way too hard? I don't think so.
2.He's not a reviewer. If you are going to make a show where you review games, please be sure that you are able to review things. Reviewing is not really a skill, it's just saying your opinion on something in a manner that most people can understand it, Bores takes whatever game he can get his hands on, talks about it's flaws (like, how easy to die it is for him) and then says it's terrible. He often doesn't bother to go into any detail, with most of his episodes ranging from 2 to 5 minutes in length (with maybe some additional minutes for abysmal acting).
1.RIPP-OFF. The concept of the show came from the much more talented and enjoyable James Rolfe who created the character of the Angry Video Game Nerd back in 2004. After becoming a YouTube sensation in 2006, Chris Bores mimicked him with his show, something that he admitted, although privately to the AVGN Homepage, and has denied since. All comments on YouTube about the similarities are often taken down minutes after being posted and Bores pretty much pretends that James Rolfe doesn't exists, unless he gets pinpointed in a radio interview, where he will say that it's all a coincidence, despite saying in the mail to James Rolfe (that was posted on Rolfe's forum) that he was inspired by his world famous 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle' review, which makes sense, seeing that the Irate Gamer did not only review the exact same game, but he also stole a large portion of Rolfe's jokes, and in order to not come of as a plagiarist, he decided to review the highly popular and well made Konami sequels, which he reviewed poorly, saying that they were just as terrible. Bores has often stolen more subtle jokes from other YouTube NES reviewers, including from the lesser known WizWar, where he stole a lot from his Predator review, including his 'Fists of Fury' punchline and from VideoGamesAreAwesome who did a hilarious dance video with R.O.B. and were badly mimicked by Bores.
- clarkedwardobrien
- Aug 29, 2009
- Permalink
- vincent_romeijn
- Aug 24, 2010
- Permalink
After hearing negative comments on how bad Irate Gamer is, I decided to watch his first episode. After that I now understand why everyone hates this show so much. It's so bad, that I have no interest in watching his other reviews if he couldn't live up to his title.
It's been noted by other people, but I like to say it in my own words. Chris Bores is basically someone who has watched Angry Video Game Nerd and tries to do his own version of the show which falls flat on the floor. If he was going to do his own internet show on reviewing games, he'd have to find his own image and theme, not steal the identity of another successful series.
He's way too boring, Chris Bores spends no time in coming up with jokes that work excellent. He makes James Rolfe look like Robin Williams, who is a natural in throwing out a good joke and punch line. Chris is one of those guys who would use a joke that seems funny to him but to others it causes groaning and annoyance. If he was a stand up comedian, he'd already get bombard by trash on the stage. I can say a lot of things that I would rather watch than watch Chris Bores, but that would make this review too long.
The way he reviews his games are bland and the skits he comes up with are something a kid would come up with. Take his review on the NES Back to the Future game, his bee joke was lame and the part where he goes back to the year 1987 had no effort shown what so ever. I got too distracted by the flat screen computer monitor and modern wireless home-phone, when it was meant to be 1987 not the mid 2000s. Angry Video Game Nerd however, reviewed the same game not once but twice, and delivered the jokes perfectly. Plus Nerd spends a lot of time coming up with his skits for his own series. For Irate Gamer, I can't imagine him doing that well in school if he fails to do well with his projects.
While I do know that the first Angry Video Game Nerd episodes were simple, except Jame Rolf got better as he progressed further with his series. Chris Bores however never has improved, and I could care less if he ever does. If you want to watch a good internet show about an angry gamer playing bad or challenging games, Angry Video Game Nerd is the right show for you. Irate Gamer is not only a disgrace, it's also managed to be in the same level as one of those low budget Turkish films that try to copy an American film. So if you're curious to watch Irate Gamer, do so with caution cause don't blame me if you keep falling asleep.
It's been noted by other people, but I like to say it in my own words. Chris Bores is basically someone who has watched Angry Video Game Nerd and tries to do his own version of the show which falls flat on the floor. If he was going to do his own internet show on reviewing games, he'd have to find his own image and theme, not steal the identity of another successful series.
He's way too boring, Chris Bores spends no time in coming up with jokes that work excellent. He makes James Rolfe look like Robin Williams, who is a natural in throwing out a good joke and punch line. Chris is one of those guys who would use a joke that seems funny to him but to others it causes groaning and annoyance. If he was a stand up comedian, he'd already get bombard by trash on the stage. I can say a lot of things that I would rather watch than watch Chris Bores, but that would make this review too long.
The way he reviews his games are bland and the skits he comes up with are something a kid would come up with. Take his review on the NES Back to the Future game, his bee joke was lame and the part where he goes back to the year 1987 had no effort shown what so ever. I got too distracted by the flat screen computer monitor and modern wireless home-phone, when it was meant to be 1987 not the mid 2000s. Angry Video Game Nerd however, reviewed the same game not once but twice, and delivered the jokes perfectly. Plus Nerd spends a lot of time coming up with his skits for his own series. For Irate Gamer, I can't imagine him doing that well in school if he fails to do well with his projects.
While I do know that the first Angry Video Game Nerd episodes were simple, except Jame Rolf got better as he progressed further with his series. Chris Bores however never has improved, and I could care less if he ever does. If you want to watch a good internet show about an angry gamer playing bad or challenging games, Angry Video Game Nerd is the right show for you. Irate Gamer is not only a disgrace, it's also managed to be in the same level as one of those low budget Turkish films that try to copy an American film. So if you're curious to watch Irate Gamer, do so with caution cause don't blame me if you keep falling asleep.
- emasterslake
- Apr 18, 2012
- Permalink
- mechanoise
- Oct 17, 2013
- Permalink
Now, when I write a review, I like to write a positive and negative paragraph...There is no way I can do this on this review. So I guess this interview will be only two paragraphs, the introduction and what is bad. This is because there is no good that comes to mind when I think of the Irate Gamer.
The show, if you can call it that, is nothing but a shameless knock off of the "Angry Video Game Nerd". Even with that aside, the show is without a doubt thoughtless and horrendous. The jokes are predictable and dull, the information is downright inaccurate at some points, and the production is half hearted. To conclude, this show is to the AVGN what Turkish Star Wars is to Star Wars.
The show, if you can call it that, is nothing but a shameless knock off of the "Angry Video Game Nerd". Even with that aside, the show is without a doubt thoughtless and horrendous. The jokes are predictable and dull, the information is downright inaccurate at some points, and the production is half hearted. To conclude, this show is to the AVGN what Turkish Star Wars is to Star Wars.
- Pearljam109
- Dec 14, 2011
- Permalink
The Irate Gamer, the most hated gamer there ever was (As now he done with his career surprisingly). The hate I sorta understand and somewhat agree with. The original episodes this guy made were like most people say, just flap-out ripoffs of AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) like his Back to the Future video and his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video. Just stealing a-lot of AVGN's lines such as "Cowabunga piece of S**t" and "What a S**t load of f*ck", and most importantly, the AVGN's popular line, "What were they thinking", this is totally I will agree, is unnecessary, and I'll honestly agree, that he does not have the rights to violating steal lines from AVGN. The jokes that were made, did absolutely nothing for me, and another is that there are a-lot of errors to find in these episodes which I'm not going to go through, especially his most infamous one, "Super Mario Bros. 2", tons of errors in that one, which makes it appropriate to be his most popular. But however, these episodes (According to me) are watchable. The Actor/Director/Writer of this Show, Chris Bores, sure did do a-lot of effort in making these episodes, and I'm not talking about the uncreative Script/Jokes but the action which is both that and his detailing about certain things like Video Game Series, toy lines, and etc., are like the only positive things I could even say about these early episodes. I absolutely loved it when he talking about the confusion of being a "Goonies 2" game, despite there weren't a second Goonies' film, and the example of the earlier Donkey Kong's Games, which was kinda of a nice example to be honest, now this may be a ripoff of AVGN's "Chronically Confused" Video, but it not that unacceptable like the other ones I already mentioned, and yet his "Goonies 2" is probably one of the few best videos of the first season. By the second season, things kinda comes slowly to a change, in which something I'm going to give Bores some credits for, for being smart at this moment, as the Irate Gamer's characters seems to slowly becomes his own, not just a typical Knockoff. His "Predator" review is probably another favorite of mine, and somewhat his Contra videos, but however they're some complaints but I'm going to bring them up however. Now the use of other Characters in this show by now seems to go a bit of a change too, now the previous season didn't seems to have that much of interesting characters, such as Tony, who is pretty much a "S**t pickle" ripoff, but here we have characters, despite they seems to already be characters that seems to be done before, like a Skeleton who seems to be a crazed fan of the IG, and is a obvious Homosexual, and the IG's evil Twin (Yeah pretty common to used) but they're fun to watch however and Bores did a good job writing them, especially Satan, who have just good lines in this show. By Season 3 and beyond, the whole concept of being a AVGN's ripoff is now completely faded away, and this is where things gets so better. This is where Bores prove to those highly Devout, but yet mindless AVGN Fans that he's not a Idiot like they think he is, by referencing the AVGN's review of "Sliver Surfer" in his review of the same exact game by admitting he knows he already done it, now that is GENIUS. His "Kool Aid" review was good, I thought the Kool Aid was kinda funny to see honestly, and his "Aladdin" review was alright, except there are some errors (The same exact ones seen in his early Reviews), but yet it was enjoyable. I truly thought his "Mike Tyson's Punch-out" review was hilarious too, and yet another of mine favorite. It is quite surprising that Bores decide to end this well-conversational series, but yet it was a good idea however, not because it was considered a bad show but it was to just to shut the Haters up once and for all.
Overall, I'm going to get this show not a high score nor a low score, but a average score of about 5, if you seen a episode of this guy that was most likely just a ripoff of AVGN, I suggest you watched a later episode like during season 3-5, I'm sure you'll most likely get a different look on this character from any of those episodes.
Overall, I'm going to get this show not a high score nor a low score, but a average score of about 5, if you seen a episode of this guy that was most likely just a ripoff of AVGN, I suggest you watched a later episode like during season 3-5, I'm sure you'll most likely get a different look on this character from any of those episodes.
- kylemcdavid-27399
- Sep 30, 2017
- Permalink
I would have to say this is a nice, funny show. a lot of people say he's a "rip-off" of the angry video game nerd but to be honest, I think he was inspired by the nerd to make those films. and for goodness sake the angry video game nerd is NOT the only game reviewer. There are dozens and dozens of people that are practically doing the same thing. so please people don't start jumping to conclutions here. okay maybe he said the same swear words like the nerd but doesn't anyone like saying it besides the nerd and the irate gamer? for once in a life time, give him a chance! Chris bores' acting is NOT entirely terrible. he seems to do a bit well and nice. but to let you all know just in case, I am a fan of BOTH the Angry Video Game Nerd AND the Irate Gamer. I like them because they are entertaining to watch on youtube. so please guys, let Chris bores be and let him have fun.
- Pizzadude93
- Mar 26, 2011
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- KeybladeChronicles
- Oct 8, 2014
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- joekohl1981
- Aug 26, 2020
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And to think I liked this show... LIKED! Boy I was wrong! couple of things...
1) He was BORING!!!!
Oh my gosh, I have never seen any body in any video be this boring... I can understand if people are inexperienced in front of a camera and trying things out and they be boring, but this guy, UGH! Now I know where you people are coming from! His voice is so monotone!
And before you criticize me of calling him a bad actor, I have a bunch of acting experience, limited in front of a camera, but I have stage acting! And boy, talk about bad movies having bad acting! This guy is HORRENDOUS!!! He can't convince me any longer that he's good!
I know you people have gone this way, but, let me give my thing about gaming! I have played video games basically my entire life! Hard games, easy games, difficult games, etc... but when this guy complains about how hard a game is when I could probably beat it in about a day.
4) These aren't reviews...
These are infomercials! The fact he complains a game is hard when it's not, he destroys the games afterward, and he gives them the finger after he shreds them, just proves these are infomercials!
Originally, I would watch his videos with not a care in the world, but then... I read reviews on this site...
1) He was BORING!!!!
Oh my gosh, I have never seen any body in any video be this boring... I can understand if people are inexperienced in front of a camera and trying things out and they be boring, but this guy, UGH! Now I know where you people are coming from! His voice is so monotone!
And before you criticize me of calling him a bad actor, I have a bunch of acting experience, limited in front of a camera, but I have stage acting! And boy, talk about bad movies having bad acting! This guy is HORRENDOUS!!! He can't convince me any longer that he's good!
I know you people have gone this way, but, let me give my thing about gaming! I have played video games basically my entire life! Hard games, easy games, difficult games, etc... but when this guy complains about how hard a game is when I could probably beat it in about a day.
4) These aren't reviews...
These are infomercials! The fact he complains a game is hard when it's not, he destroys the games afterward, and he gives them the finger after he shreds them, just proves these are infomercials!
Originally, I would watch his videos with not a care in the world, but then... I read reviews on this site...
The Irate Gamer is seriously one of the worst gamers on the internet, and in real life. I wouldn't have a problem with Irate Gamer but he chooses so many bad choices and that makes him bad for the good reasons. He wants to copy James Rolfe's identity, use it in a corny way, and make his own show cashing in "The Angry Video Game Nerd". It's like The Asylum taking a hit block buster, raping it, and turning it into a special FX fest with poor acting. The special FX in here aren't so special as it weren't you, gamers. The physics in Chris's world don't apply. Now on to the rant on the Irate Hack! He is, you know what that means, not funny. That one joke he made in his ROB the Robot review, was one of the worst jokes in existence. Don't get me started with his other jokes, they're as corny as you think. He is also a very bad actor, and I mean very bad. His friends give out terrible roles as well. Well, he only has little friends, that's why the additional characters are all played by him. He isn't so irate, he just makes these faces like he's taking the biggest dump in his life, and oh boy, overacting. Gotta add the over acting! His research is as thick as his acting, I can't explain it, and I must say that I'm disappointed that this hack is still alive!
- WeYreAoung
- Dec 12, 2013
- Permalink
The Irate Gamer is seriously one of the worst gamers on the internet, and in real life. I wouldn't have a problem with Irate Gamer but he chooses so many bad choices and that makes him bad for the good reasons. He wants to copy James Rolfe's identity, use it in a corny way, and make his own show cashing in "The Angry Video Game Nerd". It's like The Asylum taking a hit block buster, raping it, and turning it into a special FX fest with poor acting. The special FX in here aren't so special as it weren't you, gamers. The physics in Chris's world don't apply. Now on to the rant on the Irate Hack! He is, you know what that means, not funny. That one joke he made in his ROB the Robot review, was one of the worst jokes in existence. Don't get me started with his other jokes, they're as corny as you think. He is also a very bad actor, and I mean very bad. His friends give out terrible roles as well. Well, he only has little friends, that's why the additional characters are all played by him. He isn't so irate, he just makes these faces like he's taking the biggest dump in his life, and oh boy, overacting. Gotta add the over acting! His research is as thick as his acting, I can't explain it, and I must say that I'm disappointed that this hack is still alive!
- WeYreAoung
- Dec 12, 2013
- Permalink
The Angry Video Game Nerd is the best, but this guy Chris Bores is trying to copy the famous YouTuber, I like reviewing Best and Worst Movies, Video Games, Shows ETC. I am a smart person that know better for my opinions, You are not smart because You're reviews are sh*t. I hope you need to stop copying any others and put something different, because it's plagiarism, this guy is an asshole who doesn't know any better for reviewing video games that are worst, but all the video games are positive and not positive, You're content is mostly disliked because of the videos, ratings and some controversy you did. Do something original like make a video about blogs, or make a video about using Good content. AVGN is way better than you
Original means people are smart to create but you are a lazy reviewer that had no effort for making it, I'm not gonna recommend this channel on YouTube, because his content is bad but his reviews are the worst, finally he stops uploading since 2016-2017, Thank god it's over. Go watch Cinemassacre instead, his videos are great.
Original means people are smart to create but you are a lazy reviewer that had no effort for making it, I'm not gonna recommend this channel on YouTube, because his content is bad but his reviews are the worst, finally he stops uploading since 2016-2017, Thank god it's over. Go watch Cinemassacre instead, his videos are great.
- fishielemondude
- Apr 25, 2017
- Permalink
My god! Are you kidding me?! This guy thinks he'll get a lot of respect because he rips off the Angry Video Game Nerd? And he thinks if he keeps doing this, he'll the next best thing on YouTube, like Smosh and Nostalgia Critic?
Why can't he make up his own ideas? Instead, he has to rip off another one's? Dude, get some talent. Even I can come up with my own ideas! Like, play with dog turds, I don't know. But I bet watching a person play with dog turds would be subscribed or respected more than this pile of f---.
I just don't understand why there are people out there who think if they use all the traits of a famous YouTuber, they would gain more respect. In conclusion, the Irate Gamer sucks, and doesn't deserve any of those views. F--- this gamer, f--- it to hell!!
Why can't he make up his own ideas? Instead, he has to rip off another one's? Dude, get some talent. Even I can come up with my own ideas! Like, play with dog turds, I don't know. But I bet watching a person play with dog turds would be subscribed or respected more than this pile of f---.
I just don't understand why there are people out there who think if they use all the traits of a famous YouTuber, they would gain more respect. In conclusion, the Irate Gamer sucks, and doesn't deserve any of those views. F--- this gamer, f--- it to hell!!
- jlabonte-521-979969
- Nov 5, 2012
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- lodmot347-206-817655
- Jan 5, 2015
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- I_M_Sparks
- May 29, 2010
- Permalink
My title says it all. I wish Bores would start writing the new AVGN episodes (actually I just wish they would cancel AVGN so James could do something new.
IG Bores used to annoy the crap out of me, but his charisma has at least stayed the same if he hasnt gained it, James dosent write his own crap any more and it reallly just sucks
Thanks Bores.
IG Bores used to annoy the crap out of me, but his charisma has at least stayed the same if he hasnt gained it, James dosent write his own crap any more and it reallly just sucks
Thanks Bores.
- therskybznuiss
- Jun 2, 2021
- Permalink
Chris Bores is obviously the wannabe James Rolfe. Although in recent years James Rolfe's acting and writing have come a little closer to Chris Bores', James Rolfe is still not only far superior in every way to him but also far more original with his material too. The only episode I think Chris Bores did a better job covering than James Rolfe was the Rob the Robot episode. Asalieri did a hilarious comparison video of the two on youtube.
Despite that little mishap James, his material has been consistently original, well written, and well produced. Chris on the other hand has consistently been terrible in every way except the production department. His videos do not have the same level of production quality as James' but he's not far off. He has proved to be proficient in technical abilities of video making, but that's about it. I will admit his "I rate the '80s" is a little better, but his coverage of games is usually downright inaccurate and terrible. His "History of Video Games" has proved to be full of inaccuracies and flaws and yet even after remaking them in HD he didn't even bother to correct his mistakes or bad jokes even though numerous people have pointed them out to him on youtube.
"The Irate Gainer" made a hilarious parody video of his History of Videos Games series on youtube. I give Chris credit for continuing to push forward with his Irate character and other video series despite the huge backlash and hate he has been getting and I give him credit for trying to move away from James Rolfe's style and trying to develop more of his own, but it's too little too late. He burned his reputation by copying James' lines and video series styles without giving him credit, getting any kind of permission from him beforehand and then trying to lie about it claiming it was a "mistake" later. You can see proof of this on the "Irate Gamer Sucks Blog" from July 2009.
Despite that little mishap James, his material has been consistently original, well written, and well produced. Chris on the other hand has consistently been terrible in every way except the production department. His videos do not have the same level of production quality as James' but he's not far off. He has proved to be proficient in technical abilities of video making, but that's about it. I will admit his "I rate the '80s" is a little better, but his coverage of games is usually downright inaccurate and terrible. His "History of Video Games" has proved to be full of inaccuracies and flaws and yet even after remaking them in HD he didn't even bother to correct his mistakes or bad jokes even though numerous people have pointed them out to him on youtube.
"The Irate Gainer" made a hilarious parody video of his History of Videos Games series on youtube. I give Chris credit for continuing to push forward with his Irate character and other video series despite the huge backlash and hate he has been getting and I give him credit for trying to move away from James Rolfe's style and trying to develop more of his own, but it's too little too late. He burned his reputation by copying James' lines and video series styles without giving him credit, getting any kind of permission from him beforehand and then trying to lie about it claiming it was a "mistake" later. You can see proof of this on the "Irate Gamer Sucks Blog" from July 2009.
- keith-janski
- Sep 18, 2014
- Permalink
Whether you see him as a AVGN knock-off (which he was by his own admission) or as the underdog funny-man of YouTube, you have to hand it to Chris Bores for being one of the veterans from the early days of online comedy reviewing to have lasted as long as he has. But with this in mind, is the show any good? Even taking into account Bores' low-fi, DIY YouTube heritage, the "classic" episodes have not aged well and while in the later years, Bores began to develop the show with more characters and After Effects, the quality overall is pretty underwhelming.
Chris Bore has always come off as a forced, frat-boy version of the AVGN character. His comedic range as a writer is limited it is sometimes mildly-entertaining in the same corny way that weird uncle can be at Christmas parties (as with his Woody Allen-eqse Ronnie The Skeleton). But like that uncle after a few to many drinks, it gets old really fast.
Chris Bore has always come off as a forced, frat-boy version of the AVGN character. His comedic range as a writer is limited it is sometimes mildly-entertaining in the same corny way that weird uncle can be at Christmas parties (as with his Woody Allen-eqse Ronnie The Skeleton). But like that uncle after a few to many drinks, it gets old really fast.
- TheRowdyMan
- Mar 5, 2012
- Permalink
This is a bad show, so is the Angry Video Game Nerd, who I gave an 8 because at least his jokes are good, this guy's jokes are cheap gags or sometimes lame jokes that a Irate Gamer fan would find funny. His reviews are just copies of AVGN's reviews, he even stole the infamous joke "I wish I went back in time to prevent this game for being made", and made a skit just to be original! All the characters in the show are usually him or friends that can't act. He isn't a gamer for one thing, he complains about a game being hard, complains about the ending of a game he plays, WTF! He is also a bad actor, he tries to act but for a fact, he never acts angry, he never tries. He even has another show, Breakfast Rant, he complained about Lucky Charms changing marsh rooms, WTSF! DON'T watch this dude, WATCH the AVGN (even though he is horrible), his jokes are actually creative and that actually do work. Irate Gamer fans, change your taste.
- Transformers_Carl
- Nov 21, 2013
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