I'm nearly done season two, and while the acting and the dialogue leave a lot to be desired, I'm still watching because it's so goddamn interesting.
Silo is set in a dystopian future where civilization lives underground in a cement "silo" and the earth above is unsafe to roam (or is it)? The set and production is excellent, I believe in this world right away and understand it. Those who played Fall Out religiously will appreciate the underground living vibes! The first couple episodes of season one really draw you in with the mystery. However, in about episode five or so my husband and I kept side-eyeing each other and then finally both had to admit that although we were enjoying the show we secretly both wanted to make fun of it so bad. The acting leaves a lot to be desired, and maybe part of that is the rigid dialogue that doesn't feel natural. Characters are constantly over-explaining things (like the pact, or how something works in the silo) and while this is to be expected in the world-building plane of science fiction, we have seen it done better in soooo many series. Tim Robbins, who is an excellent actor and does shine here, also falls a bit flat at times just simply based on what he's given to work with. There are a few other actors who are GREAT in *other* shows...so why are they not as great here? So much potential!
And the accents? Don't even get me started. There are several actors who are not American who are being forced to use an American accent with varying results; some are downright bad. Why not allow these characters to be in a future word where they just speak how they speak? Because it is actually off-putting to hear them force an accent they're not good at.
That all being said: interesting concept, great plot twists, engaging story. I am still watching it because I need to know what happens, despite the acting faux pas here and there and the dialogue that lacks a natural feel. If you stick with it, I think you'll be entertained and glad you did!