Mary, played by Mofe Okorodudu, is a beautiful, talented but aimless young woman who recently graduated from college, but has no interest in anything except smoking weed. Her mother owns a fashion enterprise and demands Mary join and grow the family business. Mary is resistant until she goes into the office one day and meets the lead photographer, Andre. Andre, played by a very handsome and bearded Felix Ugo Omokhodion, is in love with Sarah, one of the company's models. The love is unrequited. Mary is also not interested in Andre at first either. But after spending a day with Andre, learning the details of the business and posing for photos, his enthusiasm and energy rub off on her. Mary changes her mind about working for her mother's business. Mary is especially happy when she realizes she will be sharing an office with Andre. Andre continues to pine for Sarah while Mary falls for him.
One day Mary is talking liberties with Andre, rubbing his shoulders and back. When he realizes she's being inappropriate in the office, Sarah walks in, sees them, and gets angry. Andre tries multiple times to explain, but Sarah refuses to hear him out.
Soon Mary officially throws her hat into the ring by sneaking into Andre's house to cook for him. Andre is understandably creeped out when he discovers her in his place, making herself at home. He reluctantly eats the delicious food she made, but is uncomfortable when she tries to cuddle and says she is staying the night. Despite coming from a privileged background, Mary really wants to care for Andre, showcasing her willingness to go above and beyond for him. It was a unique mix of creepy, cute, and funny moments as she tried to demonstrate her affection by cooking, cleaning, and showing physical affection. Mary recognized Andre's exceptional qualities and wanted to claim him for herself.
There was this one poignant part in the movie where Mary asks Andre if he does not want her because of Sarah when they aren't even dating. Andre says "I told you that I'm working on it." Mary replies with a truth saying, "You don't work on people who don't want you. You flow with people who want you, who value you..." Yes, she was being a hypocrite. But it was the truth, regardless.
Then there was this other scene where Andre asks, "is this how you often throw yourself at guys. When you want someone, you just throw yourself at him without wondering if he wants to go with you or not?" Mary replies saying, no she usually has a queue of men after her. But there is something about him she wants. She says she knows she would feel safe with him.
After yet another rejection, Mary decides to fight dirty. One plan backfires, and she lands in prison herself. Andre forgives her and begs her mother to get her released. Her mother, Laura, who does not bat an eye at her daughter's predicament, is determined that Mary serve the full sentence, but finally she relents, and a humbled and chastised Mary emerges from prison. Andre then realizes that he was only interested in Sarah on a surface level; it is Mary he truly wants.
I thoroughly enjoyed Hell Mary and would LOVE to see a sequel. It would be intriguing to witness a transformed post jail Mary who would have a whole new dynamic with nice guy Andre.
The rest of the Hell Mary cast includes Tina Mba as Mary's mother Laura, Odera Olivia Orji plays Sarah, and Noela Okonkwo is Rachel, Sarah's sensible best friend.