"The Retributioners" is a comedic, loosely scripted web series, presented from the perspective of a vindictive woman. Stephanie, is a happily married, accomplished woman, who feels that she ... Read all"The Retributioners" is a comedic, loosely scripted web series, presented from the perspective of a vindictive woman. Stephanie, is a happily married, accomplished woman, who feels that she has not yet proved herself to the world. She decides to contact past boyfriends, former fr... Read all"The Retributioners" is a comedic, loosely scripted web series, presented from the perspective of a vindictive woman. Stephanie, is a happily married, accomplished woman, who feels that she has not yet proved herself to the world. She decides to contact past boyfriends, former friends, teachers, skinny people, people who stole her taxi, etc., to seek retribution. Each... Read all