Franz Drameh credited as playing...
- [the boys, running from an alien, have followed Sam into her apartment. She runs into her bedroom, shuts the door, looks for the phone - it isn't there in its cradle - so she lifts a guitar and charges back out]
- Sam: Get out of my fucking flat!
- [a couple of them glance at her, make derogatory noises because they're too busy worrying about the situation, and turn away]
- Sam: I said, get out!
- Moses: Yo, snitch. Calm yourself. This ain't about you no more.
- Sam: Come anywhere near me, and I swear I will scream this fucking block down!
- Jerome: There's worse things out there to be scared of than us, tonight! Trust it!
- Dennis: Hey, bruv. I saw her ID card thing. She's a nurse, innit?
- Pest: Help me, then! I need this leg. I need it to be able to run away from them things!
- Sam: You think I'm going to help you? After you attacked me and robbed me, and then set those dogs on the police?
- Dennis: Yes to the first two, no to the last one.
- Pest: Dogs? What kind of dogs those? Dogs with no eyes? Dogs the size of gorillas? You think them things are dogs? Go out there and try feeding them some Pedigree Chum! They're ALIENS, luv!
- Sam: Whatever the fuck they are, they're not fucking aliens!
- Dennis: You swear too much, man.
- Pest: Yeah, you got a potty mouth, man.
- Jerome: Look, whatever they are, they're inside the Block now. They're after everyone.
- Dennis: Yeah. We're on the same side, man. Get it?