I watched it and it was interesting but not great. The Michael Jordan one was great, this one not so much. Very much like Jeter always felt calculated as a player in how his "public persona" was handled this documentary seemed very manufactured into "what Jeter wanted you to take from it, as opposed to a real behind the scenes look". Jordan's documentary was much better at getting to see the real Michael Jordan. Not that Jeter owes it to any of us to show the "real Derek Jeter" but if you put a documentary out there then don't script it. If you want privacy, go for it. If you want fame, go for it. But to me this felt like Jeter riding the yellow line and pushing a story that he wanted you to believe about him instead of a behind the scenes look of transparency. I didn't love this one. Would not be high on my list of recommendations. Felt very manufactured to me.