This series portrays the events leading up to the Zeta Cartel's over the top revenge killings in the Mexican border town of Allende, Mexico in March of 2011. The first several episodes set the stage for the events and some of the people that were involved and affected by those events.
With no prior knowledge of this tragedy, I was curious if possibly some of the scenes were sensationalized for dramatic effect. However, after I read the detailed ProPublica article which is easily found online, it includes, witness accounts, confessions, phone transcripts, etc. So that you quickly realize it is a very accurate telling of events.
The series held my interest from the beginning. Some reviews found the pacing a little slow until the final episode, but for me it was interesting getting a sense for the culture in a small Mexican border town and necessary for the audience to become invested in the people that were affected by these events. I felt the acting was convincing and really helped make the characters believable and interesting. Definitely a worthwhile watch in my book and a 7 rating equals "very good" in my view of how ratings should work.