30 reviews
This was by far one of the worst movies my son and daughter have ever picked out. The animation on the DVD cover and stating it was from the artists and animators of Shrek and Sharktale on the cover seemed like a straight out lie. I have seen video games with better graphics and story lines.
I am a huge fan of indie movies but this was beyond horrible, the panda was creepy, the music was even worse and the plot and dialog in the movie was deplorable.
I would definitely not recommend anyone this movie, even at renting it for a week for a $1.00, I feel like it was a total waste of money
I am a huge fan of indie movies but this was beyond horrible, the panda was creepy, the music was even worse and the plot and dialog in the movie was deplorable.
I would definitely not recommend anyone this movie, even at renting it for a week for a $1.00, I feel like it was a total waste of money
This movie is terrible. The graphics are reminiscent of an early nineties video game. The characters are flat, the "plot" seems like it was written by 10 year old kids. During the fight scenes, the characters' arms and legs go THROUGH the other character's body. And yeah, the panda is creepy and sounds like like his voice is done by R2D2 if he could actually speak. The "lovely yet humble" KG has purple hair and a Barbie body. If that makes her lovely, more power to her, but she really seems like a 12 year old boy's idea of anime perfection. The music is just as terrible as the rest of it. I can't believe that people actually paid money to see this. I'd get my money back if I hadn't just borrowed it from a friend who didn't warn me about how awful it is.
Watching this movie was the equivalent of your eyeballs committing suicide. The poor sound and voices is similar to sticking your head in a jet turbine. If you are old enough to understand the story line then you will probably not make it past minute 5 intact. This movie reminded me of nuclear devastation. The panda drumming scene was probably less realistic than lipsinking without moving your lips. I phoned 911 and reported massive head trauma after watching. I know neighborhood lemonade stands more deserving of the profit this movie made. The day after I watched this I woke up to find out that a third of my internal organs had abandoned me. I enjoy even the worst of movies but my life has forever changed. Please spend a few dollars on your friendly neighborhood lemonade stands or something but do not support this movie. ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆.
- jdpainter-59496
- Aug 10, 2015
- Permalink
Not the worst animated movie I've ever seen, but it does come close and is among the worst seen recently. As a huge fan of animation, even if the execution is wanting in several areas, this viewer does try to not be too harsh in her judgement as long as it's clear that effort was made. And that is the problem with The Prodigy, not only does it look cheap but it insults the intelligence and really does feel like little effort was put into it.
The Prodigy is very poorly animated, not quite as bad as the Video Brinquedo and Spark Plug Entertainment output as far as computer animation goes. But does that excuse the flat colours, the sloppy editing in the action, the very, very sparse backgrounds (which are one-dimensional and restricted to about three or four objects a background on occasions) and the very ugly and sometimes creepy designs with the movements of a video game dated from twenty years ago? No it doesn't. The problem with the soundtrack is that not only is an overly loud and plodding soundtrack that has very little memorable about it but the style it is composed it completely jars with the setting.
In terms of writing, the dialogue and jokes are enough to make one cringe, so dumbed down, awkward and forced that the probability of getting sore eyes from rolling your eyes so much is a certainty. The story really struggles to sustain the running time and pads it with overlong scenes and scenes that are little more than unnecessary filler. It is also far too simplistic and very predictable. The action is poorly animated to start with, and the unexciting choreography, weird sound efforts and the lack of momentum hurt it further. The characters fail to engage, with a blandly written female lead, underwritten and confusedly written villains and a truly obnoxious panda. The voice acting is very stiff, most of the characters speak in monotone while on the other end of the spectrum the panda speaks in a higher-pitched Italian-sounding accent that sounds out of place with the rest of the voice actors.
All in all, could have been Kung-Fu-Tastic, but ended up being more like Kung-Fu-Rubbish. 1/10 Bethany Cox
The Prodigy is very poorly animated, not quite as bad as the Video Brinquedo and Spark Plug Entertainment output as far as computer animation goes. But does that excuse the flat colours, the sloppy editing in the action, the very, very sparse backgrounds (which are one-dimensional and restricted to about three or four objects a background on occasions) and the very ugly and sometimes creepy designs with the movements of a video game dated from twenty years ago? No it doesn't. The problem with the soundtrack is that not only is an overly loud and plodding soundtrack that has very little memorable about it but the style it is composed it completely jars with the setting.
In terms of writing, the dialogue and jokes are enough to make one cringe, so dumbed down, awkward and forced that the probability of getting sore eyes from rolling your eyes so much is a certainty. The story really struggles to sustain the running time and pads it with overlong scenes and scenes that are little more than unnecessary filler. It is also far too simplistic and very predictable. The action is poorly animated to start with, and the unexciting choreography, weird sound efforts and the lack of momentum hurt it further. The characters fail to engage, with a blandly written female lead, underwritten and confusedly written villains and a truly obnoxious panda. The voice acting is very stiff, most of the characters speak in monotone while on the other end of the spectrum the panda speaks in a higher-pitched Italian-sounding accent that sounds out of place with the rest of the voice actors.
All in all, could have been Kung-Fu-Tastic, but ended up being more like Kung-Fu-Rubbish. 1/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Jul 31, 2015
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The title, which you see above you, is intended as a warning to exactly what happened when my little sister asked to get this in Poundland. Join the "animators and artists of Shrek" as you journey through ancient China, represented in glorious mid-90s video game graphics. Meet a bunch of characters who you'll grow to know and want to strangle, voiced by people whom I imagine were paid less than £5 for their respective parts, and I doubt it will ever be enough for them to be able to live with what they've done. They will embark on an epic quest to stop some irritating person from doing something or another. You won't care by the time this film ends. Your mind will only be concerned with snapping the disc. The bottom line is: don't buy this, unless you plan to use it as an instrument of torture.
- conor-maclennan
- Mar 13, 2014
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Anybody that gave this movie more than two stars is trolling. I have seen many films derided as the worst in existence, and let me tell you: This is the absolute worst. There are literally no redeeming qualities in this movie whatsoever.
Animation: Looks like it was done in Poser. The cut scenes in Final Fantasy VII had better graphics.
Plot: Dumb, predictable and boring.
Voice acting: Stiff and lifeless.
Characters: Differing between bland and annoying as f***. Jar-Jar Binks cannot hold a candle to the panda master.
The ONLY possible redemption this movie might offer is some of the set pieces, but that will be squandered completely when you see the complete void of inspiration that are the jade, silver and gold rooms, one of which, I kid you not, is decorated with a giant down-to-the-details ripoff of the Mortal Kombat logo.
The ONLY reason anyone should watch this is to increase your tolerance for pain. All of my friends question how I can sit through Battlefield Earth, The Last Airbender, Movie 43 and 2016: Obama's America without ever once wanting to gnaw my own leg off, and the truth is that those movies are all masterpieces compared to The Prodigy.
Animation: Looks like it was done in Poser. The cut scenes in Final Fantasy VII had better graphics.
Plot: Dumb, predictable and boring.
Voice acting: Stiff and lifeless.
Characters: Differing between bland and annoying as f***. Jar-Jar Binks cannot hold a candle to the panda master.
The ONLY possible redemption this movie might offer is some of the set pieces, but that will be squandered completely when you see the complete void of inspiration that are the jade, silver and gold rooms, one of which, I kid you not, is decorated with a giant down-to-the-details ripoff of the Mortal Kombat logo.
The ONLY reason anyone should watch this is to increase your tolerance for pain. All of my friends question how I can sit through Battlefield Earth, The Last Airbender, Movie 43 and 2016: Obama's America without ever once wanting to gnaw my own leg off, and the truth is that those movies are all masterpieces compared to The Prodigy.
I am a character animator and cg artist. Seeing this movie was difficult to bear. The movements were done for the sake of moving, without any sense of acting, or intent. As well as it feeling floaty and lifeless. The models were unappealing. The rigs were very restricted and pinched with any extreme pose. The lighting felt OK, but still not so great. Texturing was in the same category.
A different style could have been trialled to hide some of the flaws, but considering the budget, there is little wonder as to why this movie felt so dead.
As for story, it had potential, but requires a whole heap of refining. I commend the attempt, but at best, I would suggest it remain an idea. I give it a one.
A different style could have been trialled to hide some of the flaws, but considering the budget, there is little wonder as to why this movie felt so dead.
As for story, it had potential, but requires a whole heap of refining. I commend the attempt, but at best, I would suggest it remain an idea. I give it a one.
- bluebywilkes
- Mar 6, 2012
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My mom bought this movie in Canada because it was cheap and we needed some movies to entertain us on the long ride home to Minnesota. I was about 11 when I watched this but even then did I figure that this movie sucked ass. It was so poorly animated and the movements were so choppy and just embarrassing to watch. The plot was SO predictable and the panda was very disturbing to watch/listen to, it seemed slightly perverted.. My sister (who was 6 at the time) loved the movie, but what did she know-- she can't tell the difference between a cherry and apple, but one thing she experienced were nightmares because of the panda. I'm telling you, the panda is satanic or something. Anyways, the effects were really corny and low quality and just everything about this movie was just sad to watch. The scenes weren't at all detailed, just some pots and statues. I cringed throughout the movie except I enjoyed the ending song during the credits, it was catchy but that's about it.
I am a teenager. The Prodigy is the worst cartoon I have ever seen. You can find all kinds of poor music,poor actions and poor stories in this cartoon.PS Thanks for Yikuaidianluban's recommendation from bilibili
- zhuoyuanyang
- Jan 10, 2020
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I do NOT recommend this movie, it looks like a single person made this on SFM (not saying SFM is bad, just the fact about how a single person would do it in 6 months, day and night). The music is SOOO off beat and does not fit the theme.Don't forget about the terrible walk cycles and mouth animations. Oh how i wish i could give this movie a 0 star...
- themartialartist
- Nov 21, 2019
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The voice acting was beautiful, The animation rivaled Disney and Dreamworks, The story was great, that is if this movie was made in the 1940s.
- thesleepyblob
- Apr 19, 2020
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Oh how this film enduces fear. My ass cheeks shivered in fear as every second of this nightmare drags by. I can't muster the ability to remember any of this as this film deminishes my brain cells quicker than Chernobyl decreasing the Ukrainian population. Watching this will make you want to commit numerous war crimes against yourself to forget this.
All together an alright film.
All together an alright film.
- tangyorange-19653
- Jan 3, 2020
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This child's flic will make you sick from 0:01 to how ever long it is.......!
- tvanvorstenbos
- Jun 5, 2019
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This is the worst Kung Fu Panda rip off I've seen. Worse than Chop Kick Panda, and worse than The Little Panda Fighter. At least Chop Kick Panda had pretty good animation for a smaller studio and budget. It also, at least, wasn't a boomerang, in the sense that it knew what direction it was going with, and stuck with it throughout. It was blatant, but at least the animation was okay. It's story also doesn't have plot holes. The Little Panda Fighter, to its credit, is somewhat original, as it doesn't 100% rip off Kung Fu Panda, as the main character has a different motive. However, it's ugly as hell. The only thing I liked was the voice acting (Dan Green is awesome), and I guess maybe the story.
The Prodigy, isn't quite a blatant rip off, as it's instead about a purple haired girl, with a tiny panda as the sidekick. However, everything from Voice Acting to Animation was awful. The story, was full of plot holes, and it couldn't decide what it wanted to do. The movie was extremely boring, and chock full of stupid, and unfunny comedy.
The animation in this, is clunky, it and looks like a early PS2 game. It's quite sad, how a few people wasted their precious time onto this.
The Prodigy, isn't quite a blatant rip off, as it's instead about a purple haired girl, with a tiny panda as the sidekick. However, everything from Voice Acting to Animation was awful. The story, was full of plot holes, and it couldn't decide what it wanted to do. The movie was extremely boring, and chock full of stupid, and unfunny comedy.
The animation in this, is clunky, it and looks like a early PS2 game. It's quite sad, how a few people wasted their precious time onto this.
- yolibarvueswag
- Jan 7, 2021
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One on the worst best animated movies ever. It's so bad that it is fun. You need to watch this with your friends(maybe drunk) and you will laugh like never before. Animation is awful,story is jumping, you don't really know what is happening in the movie but nevermind all that because this is masterpiece of comedy.
P.s. They wrote on cover and internet that this is from creators of Shrek hahah whick is of course false but nice marketing trick.
- alansabljakovic-39044
- Oct 28, 2018
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Oh great, another Kung-Fu Panda rip-off. This is the worst animated movie I have ever seen. I cannot believe this trailer of the movie appeared on my 2009 DVD of Donkey Xote. The animation is poorly done. It looks like it was taken off from a PlayStation 2 game. It even makes Foodfight look like Reboot. It's even worse than Video Brinquedo's animation. The voice acting is nitrous. The panda is this film is creepier than the panda on the Little Panda Fighter. KG looks like a character from some anime. The plot is hideous. The characters are lame. The setting was a rip-off to Kung-Fu Panda's setting. This is one of the worst of the worst animated movies I've ever seen in my entire life. 0/10
In the movie "The Prodigy" True art on a level unimaginable by human intellect was performed. The voices were a symphony in my head. Animation so flawless I almost thought it was real. Finally, the plot truly revealed the message, kept the watcher engaged, and made true romance.
"The Prodigy" is about a panda who raised a girl to fight since she was young. She is now a teenager and falls In love with This boy who's father is very over-protective of his child. Unfortunately, a brother and sister united capture the boy to try and rule. Will The boy's father ever let them couple be? Will They save the soon to rule before his father gives in? You will have to watch to find out.
The voices really got my attention. Every word as if the actor was really that who they were being. The emotion takes you to another world with the perfect lines to fully sum up the feelings in the moment. The metaphor in the lines, wrapped in the beautiful acting styles of those in "The Prodigy". Out of everything this with the animation took my soul and drenched it in a sea of tears along, with occasional humour along the way.
As far as animations go even today, "The Prodigy" is still one of the top of the scale. The movement style was so delicate and careful. The fighting was, fast, intense, and kept you in your seat the whole way through. Such immense graphics with beautiful movements that even a human could not possibly pull off in that perfection that "The Prodigy" has accomplished. When you see the animation you will be even more surprised to see how much better things can possibly get with the plot.
The plot truly made "The Prodigy" the hidden gem that is and will always be one of my favourite movies of all time. It deserves a Oscar for the work and dedication taken into the story line that stands up for woman and reveals you can do anything if you believe. many are offended from the rating it has currently received and some even go as far to blame something like a glitch or a group or 'trolls'. 'Trolls' for all of you less informed about the internet is a term referring to people who try to trick people for a cheap laugh. The plot truly symbolizes the romance between the boy and girl. The conflicts were things expected from Shakespeare yet, took the form of a children's "The Prodigy". You will love "The Prodigy" for it's creative humour. their have so much more to be said about the plot but, to continue I might unveil the best parts. Out of all "The Prodigy" should be named a classic for people of all ages.
I would recommend "The Prodigy" to anyone with it's flawless sound, excellent animation, and brilliant plot.
"The Prodigy" is about a panda who raised a girl to fight since she was young. She is now a teenager and falls In love with This boy who's father is very over-protective of his child. Unfortunately, a brother and sister united capture the boy to try and rule. Will The boy's father ever let them couple be? Will They save the soon to rule before his father gives in? You will have to watch to find out.
The voices really got my attention. Every word as if the actor was really that who they were being. The emotion takes you to another world with the perfect lines to fully sum up the feelings in the moment. The metaphor in the lines, wrapped in the beautiful acting styles of those in "The Prodigy". Out of everything this with the animation took my soul and drenched it in a sea of tears along, with occasional humour along the way.
As far as animations go even today, "The Prodigy" is still one of the top of the scale. The movement style was so delicate and careful. The fighting was, fast, intense, and kept you in your seat the whole way through. Such immense graphics with beautiful movements that even a human could not possibly pull off in that perfection that "The Prodigy" has accomplished. When you see the animation you will be even more surprised to see how much better things can possibly get with the plot.
The plot truly made "The Prodigy" the hidden gem that is and will always be one of my favourite movies of all time. It deserves a Oscar for the work and dedication taken into the story line that stands up for woman and reveals you can do anything if you believe. many are offended from the rating it has currently received and some even go as far to blame something like a glitch or a group or 'trolls'. 'Trolls' for all of you less informed about the internet is a term referring to people who try to trick people for a cheap laugh. The plot truly symbolizes the romance between the boy and girl. The conflicts were things expected from Shakespeare yet, took the form of a children's "The Prodigy". You will love "The Prodigy" for it's creative humour. their have so much more to be said about the plot but, to continue I might unveil the best parts. Out of all "The Prodigy" should be named a classic for people of all ages.
I would recommend "The Prodigy" to anyone with it's flawless sound, excellent animation, and brilliant plot.
- betterthantape
- Nov 25, 2012
- Permalink
The moment I saw this true master piece with my bois, I knew it would be the journey of a lifetime. If I would compare this ecstatic experience to that of Jons Osmosis, it would 100x times better + hot babes. Not only does this film bring tears of joy to my eyes, but it also criticizes our modern society that we live in. We live in a society.
Let's first talk about the main star of the show, the rainbow after the storm, the light within the darkness, our salvation, the lord, the myth, the legend, PANDA. The black and white contrast of colors radiating from Panda's fur, the beauty that lies within his face expression truly brings out how arcane the balance with in life levitates. Panda's teeth demystifies the secrets in which hold most dear to our hearts to explode in ecstasy of freedom. I almost orgasmed 30 times during Pandas waddle walk. The movement of Panda, its flow, its chirpy wind defying slight flap is the depiction of our broken egos in this capitalist run society, where we are obligated to hold our selves in fear of power, where in this priceless time artifact Panda is the definition of rebellion, and anarchy. How have been so blind?
Overall, this movie was filled thots, but from the depth of hell, Panda shined so brightly to fulfill us with satisfaction. How mesmerizing...
Let's first talk about the main star of the show, the rainbow after the storm, the light within the darkness, our salvation, the lord, the myth, the legend, PANDA. The black and white contrast of colors radiating from Panda's fur, the beauty that lies within his face expression truly brings out how arcane the balance with in life levitates. Panda's teeth demystifies the secrets in which hold most dear to our hearts to explode in ecstasy of freedom. I almost orgasmed 30 times during Pandas waddle walk. The movement of Panda, its flow, its chirpy wind defying slight flap is the depiction of our broken egos in this capitalist run society, where we are obligated to hold our selves in fear of power, where in this priceless time artifact Panda is the definition of rebellion, and anarchy. How have been so blind?
Overall, this movie was filled thots, but from the depth of hell, Panda shined so brightly to fulfill us with satisfaction. How mesmerizing...
- radiatinghotshowers
- Jul 23, 2019
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- lorandgyorgy-96671
- May 6, 2020
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I knew going in that this was not a big studio big budget animation. It was likely made on a limited budget. Everybody likes different things; my kids and I love martial arts and Kung Fu. So we were into it. My 5 and 7 year old kids were glued to it.
The animation was colorful and full of action. It had some interesting mix of far eastern music and western pop style, and the characters were cute. The kids were really laughing at the silly panda character, and liked the battles through the story. I could see why young girls would like the lead character, KG. She's really cute, and nice, but she's a pretty tough fighter. She's got the girl power thing going, and has a sweet love story.
The animation was colorful and full of action. It had some interesting mix of far eastern music and western pop style, and the characters were cute. The kids were really laughing at the silly panda character, and liked the battles through the story. I could see why young girls would like the lead character, KG. She's really cute, and nice, but she's a pretty tough fighter. She's got the girl power thing going, and has a sweet love story.
- grim_reaperu2
- Sep 1, 2009
- Permalink
This movie really got my heart racing, my palms sweating, and forcing me to get the lube out for every scene I see in this movie. The way the characters move in this is like the equivalent of a porno, since the actors in pornos are very decent. I got this for Christmas yesterday, and my body sped up with joy, knowing that my sorry ass life was complete once I opened it up. To: Sean From: Mom Thank you, Mom. Now normally I don't go into full detail with what I do once I find movies like this, but the outrageously gorgeous HD from my Sony made the experience of "THE PRODIGY" a lot more enjoyable. The scene when Master Panda gets nervous and starts passing gas made me so throbbing hard, that I could barely hold my incoming semen rockets, but thankfully, I didn't make a mess. But my favorite moment has to be when Master Panda dances. I got so hard from that scene. The jam session was also pretty hot, but I felt was unneeded from this film. Still, this movie is a masterpiece either way. I suggest watching this film. You'll love it, and get hard. - Sean the Mouse
- seanthemouse
- Dec 25, 2014
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- mercedessl-2
- Sep 1, 2009
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Bro I remember watching this movie since I was like 8. Probably thinking that this was Kung Fu Panda, my dad probably bought the Blue-ray DVD for this movie from a vendor. Probably watched the movie 30 times total, since we'd immediately watch this after Shrek 1. I guess real memories are the ones you didn't know you were making. Voice actors are probably a 7/10, so bad it was hilarious.
- christianjerichoautajay
- Mar 22, 2022
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This movie is a masterpiece and deserves an award. The characters are so relatable and to put it simple I want to have panda do things to me if ya know what mean.😏
- clarajanewashburn
- Aug 21, 2021
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This movie is. . .about the greatest movie ever made. Avengers Endgame nah, 1917 nah, star wars nah, this is a true epic. I can not believe the quality of the 3D modeling. The director is a godsend, wait let me rephrase it. Endgame nah, 1917 nah, starwars nah, THE BIBLE nah. The greatest movie made
- mcnayglynn
- Mar 12, 2020
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