Either way its a bad indicator of the state of the writing business. This plot might have very well been scratched onto the back of a napkin with a toothpick. The story was so unimpressive and the acting was cringe I don't get how this got the green light. The lead is a very voluptuous female captain who shows no signs of any sailing experience. She pulls on sail lines without any purpose and grinds like she's hand mixing cookie dough. She's likely gotten all her acting skills on insta. The plastic surgeries and botox rendered her into an expressionless cardboard cutout. So can anyone else act in this movie? No they all stunk and their mish-mosh of unintelligible accents made the dialogue frustratingly painful to follow.
The shark wasn't even the real antagonist its just simply there waiting for dinner. I gave it 2 stars for location and scenery.