I had no idea this was a thing until i stumble on it randomly. I enjoyed the 2 movies back then, so i was exited to watch this. This is when the first issue showed up for me. This is so short it can be watched in a few days and then you done. This is not an issue only related to Ted of course, but its something i am kinda getting tired of.
Back in the 90s or early 2000s the sitcoms (or even most shows) had a minimum of 22 episodes, sometimes even more. They managed to create tons of funny stories with limited ressources and cast, and you really felt you had entertainement for hours upon hours. I understand Ted is animated in CGI and he is the special effect, therefore it may cost more than a regular sitcom, but this show was not even 10 episodes...
I just started it a couple days ago and now im already done. Its like i just got to start knowing and liking these characters and now i have to wait to know if it will even be renew because quite often shows are not, as there is so much competition between TV, streaming services etc these days. I think a minimum of 13 episodes should be a requirement for a show.
Now that being said, what was the other point? Well the show is set in the 90s yet somehow seem to forget it is at times, using a little bit too much of current day wokeness words and situation. But that is minor and didn't bothered me "too much".
Now that the negative is behind, i can say i overall enjoyed the show. The Halloween episode was one of my favorite, probably because it gave us something "new" pairing Ted and Blair. Blair was the stand out character for me. There is just something with the actress that is charming, even if normally her character personality would not suit well for me (she is the wokest of the house). I can't even explain it well.
The actor who play John did a decent job. Obviously filling the shoes of Mark Wahlberg is a big task, and i didn't knew this actor at all before, but as the show went on he grew on me.
Like i said above, i would love more of this show. I hope its renew and i hope they get more episodes for a season 2.