Janet Tracy Keijser credited as playing...
- Det. Ron Fugate: Time hardly matters to a man like Macrease Jones. Besides, he was living like a star, in the joint. You know, he told me sodomy is just as satisfying as murder.
- Sal: I'll take his word for it.
- Sal: So... you put a killer back on the street just to take out your garbage. You're a cold motherfucker, you know that?
- Det. Ron Fugate: I am what I am, Sally girl.
- Sal: Hell, I thought you guys called it quits!
- Det. Morris Brinson: The only thing I'll be callin' is an ambulance, for you, unless you start talkin'!
- Sal: Sounds kinda shady to me.
- Det. Morris Brinson: Yeah, and you know all about bein' shady, don't you?
- Sal: Ten bucks? Shit, I can get more rootin' through a dumpster! Ten-second blowjobs!
- Det. Morris Brinson: You're lucky I gave you that much, considering the last tip you gave me was worthless.
- Sal: Hey, I just tell it like I hear it... No guarantees in the western world!