Hmmm, well this certainly doesn't live up to the calibre of the successful "Real Housewives Of ... " franchise or come anywhere near as classy as the gay "A-List New York" series, but it definitely hits the "car crash" viewing meter spot on.
This is supposedly a fly-on-the-wall look at the lives of the "men" (who are actually nothing more than spoilt, self-entitled, egotistical brats with too much money) of West Hollywood.
The bitchy scenarios seem far too staged (almost amateurishly scripted and acted) and the editing (if you can call it that) is REALLY bad. There are way too many stock standard snippet scenes that get put on repeat far too often and for far too long. It seems like the editing department didn't have enough "real" footage of these narcissists and were padding out each episode with anything to fill the allocated running time.
This WeHo group of misfits are really unlikeable from episode one, and by the last "cliff-hanger" episode you are praying that the end is nigh. But alas, rumour has it there's a second series in the planning ... #eyeroll.
This is definitely something to watch if you have nothing better to do with your time or are holed up in a hospital bed in traction with nowhere else to go.
Have the pain killers handy as they all tend to scream over the top of one another to try and nab more camera time.
Sadly this is just vacuous viewing.