He lights a cigarette, then extinguishes it more than half smoked - after one inhale.
The car in the courtyard next to the pile of clothes that the woman falls into has a number plate that was introduced in Lebanon in the 90s.
The interior of the Sho't tank (an upgraded Centurion) is shown to be almost room-sized, where people can stand straight and walk around. Actually, tank innards are very cramped. Only the loader has any kind of freedom of movement, while the rest of the crew are in very restricted positions.
The number plate on the brown Mercedes, although similar to Lebanese number plates in the 80s, has the Arabic number back to front. 72194 in English and 49127 in Arabic.
The photograph at the travel agency of the downtown New York City skyline shows the buildings of the World Financial Center, which were built several years after the movie takes place.
The photograph of the Eiffel Tower at the travel agency appears to be a more modern one, as it shows late model automobiles on the streets below.
During the first part of film the tank zooms in on shelf with a bunch of 7 Up cans. The cans all have the current 7 Up graphics despite the films' 1982 setting.