I watched this last night and was dumbfounded by how blatantly flawed this "forensics look" at the JFK assassination was. For starters, the person leading the crew of experts is the curator of the 6th Floor Book Depository Museum. Gee, I wonder what story he believes... His job DEPENDS on the single gunman theory! So let's let him organize this. So, they give a lot of technical information, distances, wind speed etc, but all that babble is lost when they mention the downward grade of the road in Dealey Plaza and to "achieve" this scientific match, a couple of grips are filmed rolling a tree log under a plywood mock up of the Presidential Limo! So much for "science" with that. Shove a big fan in front of the mock up, you get wind too. So they put an expert marksman up in a scissor lift and give him ALL DAY to zero in on the mock up (which isn't moving by the way) and he hits the target. Go figure. They also set him up in the approximate location where the grassy knoll was and have him shoot at the target. BAMMO!!! The target's head is annihilated. They then have the audacity to say that no shot could have come from the knoll because of this. THIS IS FLAWED NONSENSE!!! They are assuming (though conveniently not telling the audience) that a grassy knoll gunman is using the SAME high powered assault rifle as a book depository gunman would! You can't make assumptions and then try to sell them as forensic fact which is what they are doing with their "grassy knoll recreation." So, their dummy head is filled with "scientific goo" and they compare the spatter from it, with JFK's actual blood spatter filmed in the Zapruder film. Well to do that and make it "forensic science" you'd have to place the camera in the SAME location and you'd have to use THE SAME TYPE OF CAMERA!!! (which could have been done, since they still exist). But of course, they don't do that but pass their "findings" off as scientific proof. UGH, then they have the audacity to dig up two guys who happened to see the blood stained limo seats at Parkland Hospital and have them look at the "scientific goo" in their mock up. Go figure, someone's memory of a bloodbath matches the "scientific goo bath" in the mock up model... CASE CLOSED. Whatever. Look, the one guy the FBI has singled out as the Knoll shooter and who himself has confessed to it is James Files. This was revealed in the early 2000's, several years before the filming of this documentary. If you want to prove your story then you have to prove him (and the FBI investigator who exposed him) to be liars. To do that, do your forensic recreation from the knoll using the SAME weapon and ammunition. (of course they didn't do this). Look, I'm not saying that James Files is telling the truth, or that Zack Shelton, the FBI investigator who exposed him is telling the truth either, but I mention this "theory' only because they have said the exact weapon and ammo used which can be tested against the single gunman theory. But of course, they did not do this here because they had a predetermined conclusion and they went out of their way to make "their science" fit that conclusion... And lazily cover the possibility of a knoll shooter by annihilating a model of the president's head with a high powered assault rifle and not the reported weapon and ammo used. (which by the way was a Remington Fireball bolt action .22 caliber pistol with a mercury filled hollowed point round) Anyway, it's this type of documentary that you can't take seriously. It "looks" very professional. It "looks" like they're trying to be unbiased. It "looks" like they're exploring other theories but in reality they're not. Watch it and you'll see every point I've made here. In reality it's not scientific at all.