4 reviews
The Clintons are trying to demand I take Psycho Therapy. They have the CIA call me old when I'm only 48. Trust me I'm being terrorized by a lot sick verbage, you couldn't even imagine and that I would never wish for someone to have to endure.
- bluemorningskies
- Aug 11, 2021
- Permalink
Read the book by China Voyager about my ancestor Dr. Nathaniel Gist Gee. My deceased military father, Robert Gist Gee his grandfather's brother was Dr. Nathaniel G. Gee. From what I understood Former President George Bush was close friends with the Rockefeller's not Hilary or Bill, but now the Clintons are, that confuses me when the Rockefeller's were Republicans and so am I.
The Rockefeller's never even donated to her campaign when Mrs. Clinton had run for Presidency. Clinton resigned in 2013 from her position out of New York at the same time I was on intelligence and reported being followed. There is a few women and men who have severe jealousy over my family, my friends that's why I lost many of my friends. They also used the technology to keep me from attending church in my 20's with my ex-husband. I feel the Clintons being involved with El Chapo had something to do with destroying my marriage then. I don't like Madonna anymore, I used to as a child, and worked out to some of her music as an adult, but destroyed her music with my ex-fiancé Gerald after telling him their lying about El Chapo Guzmán on who actually caught him from Facebook.
Gerald had pictures of Madonna on his Barack Obama free phone and I purchased Gerald a new one so he could take better pictures of his family. We're not together anymore because of Clinton harassment by CIA and I'm not for sure if Gerald may have been helping them. He began responding to their transmissions although he denies it.
When the CIA announced themselves through the transmission technology, they said Barack Obama had signed me off to be terrorized by the CIA because of Facebook.
Sorry I rated a 1 on your upcoming film. I'll change it later as I know it's going to be good. Just trying to get these messages to you. All three of your books were great. The last one had me in slight tears at the end. They violated my body with the technology also Jason and forced me by mind control in ways to try and force me to have sex with a dog, of which they were not successful, thank God and I repented and Jesus Christ has forgiven me.
Some of the things the CIA are doing is sick and they use the technology to take revenge on those who seek out corrupt. That's how they took their revenge for me catching the Clintons. God is my witness.
There is always someone trying to over step on another by jealousy, jealousy never pays and in the end God will do his good works to those who keep lying.
They are trying to make America of which I and my children were born to be a socialist communistic country and America WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT! No one will take my freedom to believe in Jesus Christ!
The Rockefeller's never even donated to her campaign when Mrs. Clinton had run for Presidency. Clinton resigned in 2013 from her position out of New York at the same time I was on intelligence and reported being followed. There is a few women and men who have severe jealousy over my family, my friends that's why I lost many of my friends. They also used the technology to keep me from attending church in my 20's with my ex-husband. I feel the Clintons being involved with El Chapo had something to do with destroying my marriage then. I don't like Madonna anymore, I used to as a child, and worked out to some of her music as an adult, but destroyed her music with my ex-fiancé Gerald after telling him their lying about El Chapo Guzmán on who actually caught him from Facebook.
Gerald had pictures of Madonna on his Barack Obama free phone and I purchased Gerald a new one so he could take better pictures of his family. We're not together anymore because of Clinton harassment by CIA and I'm not for sure if Gerald may have been helping them. He began responding to their transmissions although he denies it.
When the CIA announced themselves through the transmission technology, they said Barack Obama had signed me off to be terrorized by the CIA because of Facebook.
Sorry I rated a 1 on your upcoming film. I'll change it later as I know it's going to be good. Just trying to get these messages to you. All three of your books were great. The last one had me in slight tears at the end. They violated my body with the technology also Jason and forced me by mind control in ways to try and force me to have sex with a dog, of which they were not successful, thank God and I repented and Jesus Christ has forgiven me.
Some of the things the CIA are doing is sick and they use the technology to take revenge on those who seek out corrupt. That's how they took their revenge for me catching the Clintons. God is my witness.
There is always someone trying to over step on another by jealousy, jealousy never pays and in the end God will do his good works to those who keep lying.
They are trying to make America of which I and my children were born to be a socialist communistic country and America WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT! No one will take my freedom to believe in Jesus Christ!
- bluemorningskies
- Aug 11, 2021
- Permalink
I wish you could cuff up Hilary Clinton. They tried to say I was involved just because I had married a former gang member and divorced him before getting into the Border Patrol. They had all my ex-husbands information, if they were suspicious of me, they didn't have to allow me in the Agency. They try to claim I have to work for the CIA, I say "NO", because they kill people and that against my Christian belief.
I don't hold an allegiance to a Former, President or First Lady who is corrupt!
I care and loved two gang members in my lifetime, one when they shoved me homeless and met in 2018. They harass me about having his pictures in my cellphone of which they have no right to make me get rid of. They even harass me because I still have love for my first husband Luis who is the father of my two children.
I don't hold an allegiance to a Former, President or First Lady who is corrupt!
I care and loved two gang members in my lifetime, one when they shoved me homeless and met in 2018. They harass me about having his pictures in my cellphone of which they have no right to make me get rid of. They even harass me because I still have love for my first husband Luis who is the father of my two children.
- bluemorningskies
- Aug 11, 2021
- Permalink
You and Trey Gowdy were correct, Hilary Clinton is corrupt. I was a San Clemente Border Patrol Agent for 12 1/2 years, that in 2013, I was followed by a drug trafficker I arrested named Daniel Arellano-Calzada who returned from his deportation and was found traveling near my home as I was going into town for groceries. I cut a memo on it for BP. And the Intel case of Arellano was entered in IOFIS.
In August of 2013, I met someone while my divorce papers were in process named Gabriel Reyes. After meeting him it seemed that being followed came to a hault. Then several months later after opening up Facebook in October of 2013, following began by seeing just a few same people, not as many.
I made a lot of so called Famous, Associate Friends" on Facebook. I didn't know many of them personally. When I was accepted as a friend to Alejandro Alcondez, I saw Former, President Bill Clinton on Mr. Alcondez's page along with Los Angeles Mayor, Villaregosa. Both accepted me as a friend. It wasn't till maybe a couple of months when I went through Mr. Alcondez's fans from his Facebook I saw Archibald Jaquin Guzmán aka El Chapo Guzmán. I immediately told Mr. Alcondez via cellular telephone conversation that I could no longer be friends with him because I was a Border Patrol Agent and he had a very bad, bad man on his page. Their was a wiretap placed when I told him this. The CIA got rid of the tap to cover the Clintons.
The CIA has been harassing me now and my family for 8 years and 8 months because of this. I've even tried to address my truth to Senator, Cruz and he had Secret Service come out to talk to me, with a sheriff/Marshal Depty. The Clintons have tried to make me appear schizophrenic to society when that is not true. They shoved me homeless and framed me setting me up, allowing Sean Penn to Interview El Chapo Guzmán in 2015, after I quit the BP, because I felt stinch was within. They have claimed I'm that stinch, but it's because theirs emanates towards me by their "Power Grab" control. Their using every avenue to keep me from my daughter, having her lie in court about me and other things they have used CIA in trying to get confessions by voice to skull technology.
Again, you and Trey Gowdy were correct in drilling for those emails. Now get those emails Jason.
I bought all 3 of your latest books, but haven't been able to finish reading your "Crisis" book, but will time permitting and dealing with CIA harassment. It's amazing how, so many people began to resign after they took my bad and gun and placed me on Administrative Duties, then using a Union Rep Ron Zermeno to violate my HIPPA Rights and try and force me to see a psychiatrist of their own.
The CIA keeps harassing me about my cellphone, trying to demand me to let it go. I don't have to do that. Darin Masterton of ICE knew about my Facebook and I think someone is trying to take credit where credit isn't due regarding capturing El Chapo Guzmán. They had the Mexican Federalies in co-ops I'm sure with other Agencies of ours corruptly working for the Clintons to make his arrest after Sean Penn interviewed him.
The CIA has used technologies zapping onto my body that feels like a taser like effect, but 10 taser all at once to try and gain compliance to their corruptional demands of which I fight against them everyday, God is my witness.
They claim their doing it because I found this DOD badge of my deceased father that says " War Intelligence" which is a division I believe of CIA. The CIA transmitted to me in July of 2014, "Why did you do it Chere', why did you link to Famous People on a Facebook". From their it's been harassment ever since. Their trying to transmit all kinds of graphic, sick, disgusting stuff in utilizing the voice to skull technology to terrorize me.
Everyone thinks its a conspiracy theory, that's crap because it's not.
In August of 2013, I met someone while my divorce papers were in process named Gabriel Reyes. After meeting him it seemed that being followed came to a hault. Then several months later after opening up Facebook in October of 2013, following began by seeing just a few same people, not as many.
I made a lot of so called Famous, Associate Friends" on Facebook. I didn't know many of them personally. When I was accepted as a friend to Alejandro Alcondez, I saw Former, President Bill Clinton on Mr. Alcondez's page along with Los Angeles Mayor, Villaregosa. Both accepted me as a friend. It wasn't till maybe a couple of months when I went through Mr. Alcondez's fans from his Facebook I saw Archibald Jaquin Guzmán aka El Chapo Guzmán. I immediately told Mr. Alcondez via cellular telephone conversation that I could no longer be friends with him because I was a Border Patrol Agent and he had a very bad, bad man on his page. Their was a wiretap placed when I told him this. The CIA got rid of the tap to cover the Clintons.
The CIA has been harassing me now and my family for 8 years and 8 months because of this. I've even tried to address my truth to Senator, Cruz and he had Secret Service come out to talk to me, with a sheriff/Marshal Depty. The Clintons have tried to make me appear schizophrenic to society when that is not true. They shoved me homeless and framed me setting me up, allowing Sean Penn to Interview El Chapo Guzmán in 2015, after I quit the BP, because I felt stinch was within. They have claimed I'm that stinch, but it's because theirs emanates towards me by their "Power Grab" control. Their using every avenue to keep me from my daughter, having her lie in court about me and other things they have used CIA in trying to get confessions by voice to skull technology.
Again, you and Trey Gowdy were correct in drilling for those emails. Now get those emails Jason.
I bought all 3 of your latest books, but haven't been able to finish reading your "Crisis" book, but will time permitting and dealing with CIA harassment. It's amazing how, so many people began to resign after they took my bad and gun and placed me on Administrative Duties, then using a Union Rep Ron Zermeno to violate my HIPPA Rights and try and force me to see a psychiatrist of their own.
The CIA keeps harassing me about my cellphone, trying to demand me to let it go. I don't have to do that. Darin Masterton of ICE knew about my Facebook and I think someone is trying to take credit where credit isn't due regarding capturing El Chapo Guzmán. They had the Mexican Federalies in co-ops I'm sure with other Agencies of ours corruptly working for the Clintons to make his arrest after Sean Penn interviewed him.
The CIA has used technologies zapping onto my body that feels like a taser like effect, but 10 taser all at once to try and gain compliance to their corruptional demands of which I fight against them everyday, God is my witness.
They claim their doing it because I found this DOD badge of my deceased father that says " War Intelligence" which is a division I believe of CIA. The CIA transmitted to me in July of 2014, "Why did you do it Chere', why did you link to Famous People on a Facebook". From their it's been harassment ever since. Their trying to transmit all kinds of graphic, sick, disgusting stuff in utilizing the voice to skull technology to terrorize me.
Everyone thinks its a conspiracy theory, that's crap because it's not.
- bluemorningskies
- Aug 11, 2021
- Permalink