This movie by the end reminded me of 500 Days of Summer but it can't be said that either movie copied each other since they came out the same year. This movie in my opinion is very realistic and relevant to my life and I can watch it over and over again because of that. It is like taking a look at myself and my life objectively. Some people can do that with their own lives easily and some like me need films to make them see and appreciate things in their own life from a new angle.
So this movie is relevant to me and the on-screen acting is fantastic and the chemistry between the actors is very strong. I get the feeling that they really are in a relationship for their roles in the movie so much so that they do not seem like roles at all but documentary footage of their actual thoughts and lifestyle. Like a vlog type journal.
I can't recommend this movie to everyone, but then again what film CAN I recommended to everyone? Maybe nothing but star wars will appeal to both kids, and adults, but this movie will definitely appeal to you if you are an adult, liked 500 Days of Summer, and have been in at least one relationship that started to go fast when you thought it would go NOWHERE and fell madly in love with that person/each other and then things seem to magically fall apart as they often do until a unit of one becomes two.
This movie isn't exactly sad, but very comedic and enjoyable to watch. For me it is somewhat reassuring that I can find my love, and that there may be two of em out there. That sounds wrong as I type this, but if you watch the movie or even experienced a relationship like the one shown in this film you may understand that in life you have to move on whether you like to or not.