Bones (TV Series)
The Gamer in the Grease (2009)
John Francis Daley: Lance Sweets
Angela Montenegro : You boys are not allowed to watch movies on my monitor.
Dr. Jack Hodgins : Angela, this is *so* much more than a movie.
Dr. Lance Sweets : Yeah. I mean, we're sorry but this screen is so *big*.
Colin Fisher : You get porn on this thing?
Angela Montenegro : Get out! OUT!
Dr. Jack Hodgins : Guess you realize that being this excited about a sci fi movie will drastically cut down the number of women who will sleep with us.
Colin Fisher : Oh, I'm into the high double digits, sex-wise. So, not worried.
Dr. Lance Sweets : You're closing in on - a hundred?
Colin Fisher : Mm-hmm.
Dr. Lance Sweets : Um, I'm sorry, I gotta make a call.
Tory Payne : Would it help you get over this girlfriend thing if maybe you saw my tattoos again?
Dr. Lance Sweets : [On his cellphone] I - where are you guys? I need backup.
Dr. Jack Hodgins : You told me to get lost. So now I have to test the tensile strength of...
Dr. Lance Sweets : Just, please! I need to be released. Relieved - please.
Dr. Jack Hodgins : Yeah. Sorry doctor. Oh, and uh, save me a meat tart. Bye now.
[Hodgins hangs up]