Just a blah ending. Catherine cried wayyyyy to much in this season. Tears are more effective used sparingly in a show.
The whole last episode fell really flat. Ryan communicating with TLR via video game was just stupid, how did they know eachother's usernames? With a serial killer who tried to light him on fire once he would have been way more closely monitored than this.
The "showdown" between TLR and Catherine was lacklustre and boring. He is a bit warped kind of sorry and she hates him. Blah. No real meat here
What annoyed me the most was the ending between the pharmacist and the PE teacher. Not wrapped up AT ALL. That was a total cop out from the writers. Why end a show of this calibre with a lazy non sensical whippy ending where one of the main storylines was just casually solved in a one minute exchange with zero explanation.
If this was a school report "has been known to do much better work"