1 review
I don't get it Comedy Central.. how is this show funny? Explain the funny because i don't see it..
You say that the series took a twist but i call it a downfall.
If you tried to keep it updated with the modern times, everyone being woke all of the sudden, this doesn't work in comedy, i'm sorry. Keep politics and everything else out of comedy because it just doesn't work.
Also, Comedy Central is more like Commercial Center.. the amount of commercials playing is equal to the amount of shows playing or even bigger... i cannot see a distinction anymore.
Are you pumping all this crap just so you can play commercials? I think so... because comedy is not whats going on.
If you tried to keep it updated with the modern times, everyone being woke all of the sudden, this doesn't work in comedy, i'm sorry. Keep politics and everything else out of comedy because it just doesn't work.
Also, Comedy Central is more like Commercial Center.. the amount of commercials playing is equal to the amount of shows playing or even bigger... i cannot see a distinction anymore.
Are you pumping all this crap just so you can play commercials? I think so... because comedy is not whats going on.