Daddy's Home (2015)
Mark Wahlberg: Dusty Mayron
Dusty Mayron : So the King raised his mighty sword and rained steel down upon the Step King.
Brad Whitaker : But the Step King blocked it with his shield. And swung his cat o'nine tails into the King's smug face.
Dusty Mayron : Which the King easily brushed aside like the feather of a gull. And then the King did counter with a barrage of slashes and thrusts so fast and precise the Step King had no way to party.
Dusty Mayron : But he did. He did. He parried all of them. Easily. It was no big deal.
Brad Whitaker : Then he grabbed the King's sword right out of his hand and smashed it over his knee.
Dusty Mayron : That's when the King pulled out a pump-action Mossberg shotgun!
Brad Whitaker : Which is completely anachronistic. So if we're gonna be doing any time period, then the Step King just happened to be wearing Kevlar body armor.
Dusty Mayron : Concussion grenade!
Brad Whitaker : Hand grenade.
Dusty Mayron : Rocket launcher.
Brad Whitaker : Missile launcher.
Dusty Mayron : Air strike.
Brad Whitaker : Nuclear strike.
Dusty Mayron : Black hole.
Brad Whitaker : God.
Brad Whitaker : The step-king has had enough of the king's BULLSHIT!
Dusty Mayron : Brad said a bad word.
Dusty Mayron : Hey, are you Roger?
Cool Dad : Nope.
Dusty Mayron : [In a splendid and charming voice] 103.6... Thhhe paaandaa!
Brad Whitaker : You built all this today? With my tools?
Dusty Mayron : Oh, no, you can't build a treehouse with a tampon, Brad.
Dusty Mayron : [Watching Frozen] You gotta pause it man.
Griff : No I don't wanna ruin the momentum.
Dusty Mayron : Dude if another song comes on you gotta pause it okay?
Griff : Hey am I suppose to pause my emotions?
Dusty Mayron : Dusty : It looks like we got our self's a dad-off, Brad.