I like westerns and sniper type movies so I was looking forward to this film but I think this was the worst movie I have ever seen. It was so bad it was funny. In fact if the makers said it was made because they were trying to make the worst movie in history I wouldn't be surprised. The script could have been written by a 10 year old and the acting (if you could call it that) was absolutely terrible. Some of the lines were fluffed and they didn't bother re-shooting the scenes. The timing of the lines was none existent and meaningless, they were basically just saying the lines with minimal emotion as if they just learned each line seconds before and had no clue how to deliver them. The editing was terrible and just cut from one scene to the next with no fluidity so it was hard to figure out what was going on. The camera work was horrific, sometimes the picture would tilt slightly and at one point it was on a character and tilted up until he was almost out of the shot and quickly came back down as if the cameraman tripped. The "sharpshooter" couldn't hit a grown man standing in the open from 20 yards with a long scoped rifle. This is a guy who has 1000 yard confirmed kills. He was practicing trying to hit a watering can from 30 yards with the rifle and missing, he could have thrown the rifle at it and hit it from that distance. Avoid this movie unless you have a choice between watching this and being drowned in your own excrement. Actually the excrement drowning is a better option.