Anwar Says: The inner conflict of a successful woman set up a narrative and represents the true colours of social composition of Mumbai. Inspired by Malyali movie Kannekkane , the movie Jalsa is a perfect blending of existence and possibility of people in society who are only few degrees apart .
Two intense actors Vidya Balan and Shefali Shah are portraying the emotions and fighting against themselves. Title doesn't support the theme. Cast to watch is the son of Mrs. Balan , Surya Kashibathla , a patient of cerebral palsy , and his incomplete dialogues are so relevant . Rohini Hattangadi was perfect for her role as Mrs. Balan's mother . Casting others around the two leads are up to the mark .
The other distinguishing feature is the background score , sometimes it's total silence and sometimes extra noises . The rapid pace of intricate circumstances by Suresh Trivedi is completely opposite to his last release Tumhari Sulu . You may get confused at some places, some are answered and some couldn't find its way. Overall director has been able to create palpable tension in a sombre mood. 3.5/5 from my side .
#amazonprime #anwarsays #cerebralpalsy #innerconflict #disparities #VidyaBalan #ShefaliShah #RohiniHattangadi #ManavKaul #movies2022 #review.