Having reluctantly accepted a job to deliver the mail in a disaster of an ex-mining town, Ian meets some of the locals and tries to protect everyone from the passionate advances of a frustrated Great Dane called Tiddles.
A seagull terror of Hitchcockian proportions is unwittingly unleashed on the Town of Dudley Moors after Two Eyes wins some money on a radio phone in, leaving our sort of hero Ian to clean up the mess.
The full aftermath of Sarah's one night stand rescue job becomes apparent, as her usual stress filled day as a single mother is interrupted by even more stress than usual, and earth shattering news arrives in the form of a stick.
The full aftermath of Sarah's one night stand rescue job becomes apparent, as her usual stress filled day as a single mother is interrupted by even more stress than usual, and earth shattering news arrives in the form of a stick.
Attempting to hide from his pregnant one night stand, Ian passes on his mail delivering duties to a new face. Elsewhere, Sarah is asked out on a date, Two Eyes quits the depot and the Voice Over person wonders where it all went wrong.
Deciding to actually address his issues Ian joins Sarah for a counselling session, only to meet the counsellor from hell. Two Eyes and John get busy with some substances and Nora forces Aoibheann to face up to her own shortcomings.
Nora organises a Pride march but makes the near fatal mistake of attaching it to a rather more notorious local tradition. Elsewhere, Ian receives an offer from the university of his dreams but has to check his moral compass.
As Ian is chased around town by a heartbroken Belarusian psychopath, Nora is forced to cover for her no longer depressed colleague, Two Eyes attempts to sell Sarah some very green herbs, and tragedy strikes when least expected.
A day in the life of the Voice Over Person, as she deals with lockdown, her absent Aussie boyfriend and his psychotic cat that he's donated to her. With apologies to the genuinely wonderful city that is Adelaide.