This series of short episodes is centred on Douki-chan, an office worker who has unstated feelings for Douki-kun; she doesn't know it but he also has feelings for her. She doesn't know how to go about it but she hopes to get together with him. She has some competition though; Kohai-chan, a large chested office junior, who manages to attract the attention of most men in the office.
I rather enjoyed this series. The episodes are short but thankfully it isn't overcrowded with characters. This means that one quickly gets to know those that you need to. Douki-chan is a likeable lead and it is hard not to root for her as she tries to get closer to Douki-kun; the other characters are likeable too. There is some fairly mild fan service but nothing too offensive. Overall a fun little series; not a must watch but worth trying; if you don't like it after an episode or two you won't have wasted much time.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.