What can I say about Line of Duty? I always like to begin with something positive, but this is the first film I've ever reviewed where I could find nothing good to say.
This film ran and looked like what my kid brother and I used to shoot for fun when we were kids.
Seriously, this film just never comes together. There were some decent actors; for example Walter Perez gave it all he could to try to find depth in an otherwise two-dimensional, clichéd drug lord character, Jason. The problem was he was fishing in shallow water. And, whoever heard of a drug lord named Jason?
My question is, how did this film even get made? Weren't there checks and balances along the way that screamed, "CAUTION, CAUTION, STAY AWAY"? The script is the main problem, the directing and acting follows close behind, but I blame the people who paid for this film to even be produced. Did they know ANYTHING at all about film making before they jumped into the business? I guess there will always be foolish people with more money than sense who want to be in the movie-making business.
I think the best I can say about this film is that with a $2.5 million budget and only about a $77,707 take, it restores my faith in the movie-going public.