64 reviews
To be honest, I really wanted to like this show or maybe even tolerate it. But Comedy Central's new cartoon, Fairview really insulted me. How am I insulted you may ask? Well isn't it obvious? It's not funny, the art style is strange and not in a good way, and the characters are bland, annoying and unlikable. Just watched the first episode of the show last night and I find it an absolute mess. Who would ever thought that it was a smart idea for Comedy Central to greenlight this? Fairview is trying so damn hard to be like South Park but it failed miserably. Unlike Fairview, South Park has talent, it has subtlety, it has charm and what does Fairview have? Nothing. This has got to be one of the worst cartoons Comedy Central has ever produced and I hope it gets canceled after one season. Let's just hope Jodie (a spin-off of MTV's Daria) airs on Comedy Central and see if that show will give us plenty of great laughs and charm...which I believe it will. I give Fairview a 2.1/10.
- nasdagoodshepherd
- Feb 10, 2022
- Permalink
This show is trying way to hard to be the next South Park and they do it horribly. Loud, obnoxious, purposefully over the top, unlikable characters. Transparent as a it is unwatchable. Will definitely be cancelled soon. Not for being 'to edgy' like they probably want you to think but for being to boring and unoriginal.
- tinydracula
- Feb 9, 2022
- Permalink
Blatant South Park ripoff, right down to the music. You can tell they're trying to be edgy but not really offend at the same time, which makes for a confusing watch. The characters also yell all of their lines, guess that's supposed to substitute for an actual joke. The only thing impressive about this show is that it manages to be crazy and boring at the same time. 0 stars.
- DrMaxLaugh
- Feb 10, 2022
- Permalink
I can't imagine CC will air a 2nd episode of this. Congrats on the 1.7 out of 10 rating. Annoying characters yelling lines rapidly does not a comedy make. Whoever is involved should cash their checks and find a new line of work, you all have ZERO talent. Even our dumbed-down indoctrinated society can see through the blatant agenda being pushed here (two characters licked the TV screen because Dr. Fauci was on it BTW). I could not remove this embarrassment from my DVR fast enough.
- dansantana-55841
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
I am beyond sick and tired of what Comedy Central has become....
I've been watching the network off n' on since the mid '90s, and it's never going to be what it used to be. It had an arsenal of 'funny' original programming and Stand-up comedy for days.
This? What is this? What is this supposed to be?
Socio-political obnoxious comedy?
A dumpster fire of jokes?
Death? Is this what dying is like?
You mean to tell me, that an actual production crew at an actual studio got paid to produce this?
4 reasons to 'cut the cord' to CC:
1. They greenlight stuff like this.
2. Their schedule consists primarily of constant re-runs of South Park and non-original programming (The Cleveland Show, The Office, Friends?).
3. They recently started doing that extended time slot thing (35mins instead of 30) that other "re-run" networks are doing, so that they can spew 15+mins of adverts per show. Not to mention the overlapping credits and intro of separate episodes, sped-up playback and cutting scenes to make it shorter. You're literally paying to watch more, more, and more adverts. Seriously??
4. They purposely lower the broadcast volume level of their programming, so that you have to turn up "your" volume considerably higher than other networks. That way, when the adverts come on, their volume is then brought back to a 'normal' level and your volume is now loud enough to wake the dead. This is an illegal tactic, to raise the volume level of adverts above normal, but they seem to have found a sneaky way around it.
I mean, who doesn't want to hear ads for car insurance and psoriatic arthritis and depression meds blasting through their TV speakers or surround sound?
I only tune in from time to time because of free streaming websites, because I MOST DEFINITELY would never pay for trash like this. I don't need or want high quality viewing for re-runs and Geico adverts.
I've been watching the network off n' on since the mid '90s, and it's never going to be what it used to be. It had an arsenal of 'funny' original programming and Stand-up comedy for days.
This? What is this? What is this supposed to be?
Socio-political obnoxious comedy?
A dumpster fire of jokes?
Death? Is this what dying is like?
You mean to tell me, that an actual production crew at an actual studio got paid to produce this?
4 reasons to 'cut the cord' to CC:
1. They greenlight stuff like this.
2. Their schedule consists primarily of constant re-runs of South Park and non-original programming (The Cleveland Show, The Office, Friends?).
3. They recently started doing that extended time slot thing (35mins instead of 30) that other "re-run" networks are doing, so that they can spew 15+mins of adverts per show. Not to mention the overlapping credits and intro of separate episodes, sped-up playback and cutting scenes to make it shorter. You're literally paying to watch more, more, and more adverts. Seriously??
4. They purposely lower the broadcast volume level of their programming, so that you have to turn up "your" volume considerably higher than other networks. That way, when the adverts come on, their volume is then brought back to a 'normal' level and your volume is now loud enough to wake the dead. This is an illegal tactic, to raise the volume level of adverts above normal, but they seem to have found a sneaky way around it.
I mean, who doesn't want to hear ads for car insurance and psoriatic arthritis and depression meds blasting through their TV speakers or surround sound?
I only tune in from time to time because of free streaming websites, because I MOST DEFINITELY would never pay for trash like this. I don't need or want high quality viewing for re-runs and Geico adverts.
- kchiasson-77464
- Feb 11, 2022
- Permalink
I tried, I really tried to get into this but it's just 20 minutes of rapid-fire yelling constantly trying to pack as many jokes into every line as possible but NONE of them are funny.... not even the 500 jokes about pooping on people.
Seriously why is every character constantly shouting and talking as fast as possible? I actually had a lot of trouble even determining what was supposed to be going on in the garbage script because it was so hard to even tell what everyone was saying or what was happening.
The whole thing feels like it was some summer DIY project from a couple of middle schoolers trying SO hard to be funny.
Longest 20 minutes of my life.
Seriously why is every character constantly shouting and talking as fast as possible? I actually had a lot of trouble even determining what was supposed to be going on in the garbage script because it was so hard to even tell what everyone was saying or what was happening.
The whole thing feels like it was some summer DIY project from a couple of middle schoolers trying SO hard to be funny.
Longest 20 minutes of my life.
I don't write a lot of reviews here, but this show is just SO incredibly bad, I needed to warn my fellow IMDbers.
It's usually the case that a new show or movie plucks it's best (funniest, scariest, most thrilling) lines and scenes and turns them into commercials and trailers. We all know the disappointment of realizing that we'd already seen the best it had to offer in the commercials and trailers, and that the rest of the minutes were just OK, or even bad. Having seen commercials for Fairview on Comedy Central over the last couple of weeks, I was confused, to say the least. If the very UNfunny, nonsensical so-called jokes, short scenes, and the narrator's descriptions were the best of the premiere episode, how much worse could the rest of the show be?
Somehow... it managed to be much, MUCH worse. It's so bad that I am simply at a loss to understand how anyone put any effort into making this garbage, much less decided to put it on the air. Nothing- and I mean NOTHING- about it was funny. Not the plot, the subplot, the scenes, the characters, the lines. It's like there was some kind of weird bet or contest to see who could come up with the LEAST funny 22 minutes of animation, and this was the result. I'm very pro-labor, but whoever is responsible for this deserves to be fired.
According to IMDb, there is one episode of this show. That's one too many.
It's usually the case that a new show or movie plucks it's best (funniest, scariest, most thrilling) lines and scenes and turns them into commercials and trailers. We all know the disappointment of realizing that we'd already seen the best it had to offer in the commercials and trailers, and that the rest of the minutes were just OK, or even bad. Having seen commercials for Fairview on Comedy Central over the last couple of weeks, I was confused, to say the least. If the very UNfunny, nonsensical so-called jokes, short scenes, and the narrator's descriptions were the best of the premiere episode, how much worse could the rest of the show be?
Somehow... it managed to be much, MUCH worse. It's so bad that I am simply at a loss to understand how anyone put any effort into making this garbage, much less decided to put it on the air. Nothing- and I mean NOTHING- about it was funny. Not the plot, the subplot, the scenes, the characters, the lines. It's like there was some kind of weird bet or contest to see who could come up with the LEAST funny 22 minutes of animation, and this was the result. I'm very pro-labor, but whoever is responsible for this deserves to be fired.
According to IMDb, there is one episode of this show. That's one too many.
It's just horrible... and it's not due to the limited animation style.
The writing is terrible.. just terrible. They rattle off attempt after attempt at something funny in rapid-fire, quick succession, over and over, for 20 minutes.. and NONE of it is funny. There's no time to ingest anything.. the next one liner is one line away....
Won't be watching this.
Side note... the creator has really only been responsible for the anti-trump (bad) animation series from the past couple years. Check out his IMDB profile... I guess this is him trying, and failing, to be less political?? I've found every single one of his shows to be really undeserving of airtime. (and I'm neither pro, nor anti, Trump)
The writing is terrible.. just terrible. They rattle off attempt after attempt at something funny in rapid-fire, quick succession, over and over, for 20 minutes.. and NONE of it is funny. There's no time to ingest anything.. the next one liner is one line away....
Won't be watching this.
Side note... the creator has really only been responsible for the anti-trump (bad) animation series from the past couple years. Check out his IMDB profile... I guess this is him trying, and failing, to be less political?? I've found every single one of his shows to be really undeserving of airtime. (and I'm neither pro, nor anti, Trump)
Everything about this is soulless. Do not waste your time on this. It's not funny, not well written. Not even close. Modern Family Guy is Hilarious compared to this show.
- ryanelliott-40659
- Feb 16, 2022
- Permalink
I guess if you have all the characters yelling all their lines and add canned laughter people will think it's funny. I tried to give this a shot and unlike others watched the entire episode; shame on me it just got worse and ended up with a headache.
- chitownmick5
- Feb 10, 2022
- Permalink
In a landscae of cheap, lazy, predictible commentary of the government and society, it is refreashing to see something take the outragous and comical aspects of American run society and spin it into a unique, biting critique that gives you a new perspective on the topics they cover.
- KimitKimitTheFrg
- Feb 12, 2022
- Permalink
I watched this piece of garbage for 5 minutes and had enough. First I muted it, but had to change the channel because I couldn't even look at the animation, it was almost repulsive.
Stay far, far away from this.
Stay far, far away from this.
- phillipkleinman
- Mar 9, 2022
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I think that they just watched all of South Park while writing and copied their jokes, while trying to change it so it doesn't seem obvious. The creator literally only makes political stuff, and their all bad apparently? I'm not shocked, but I think this will last 1 season AT MOST. Especially since they air this show always after South Park... they would have to be crazy to make another season.
- mijaresyaakov
- Feb 20, 2022
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I have read reviews from people who are obviously to the right of the political spectrum. I thought they were just manufacturing dislike, something that's happened to a number of shows. This is NOT the case. I'm about as left-leaning as you can get and I found every second of this show excruciating. I am still confused as to the point of this show. Half the characters scream their lines as their normal mode of speech. Screaming terribly written lines does NOT make them funny. I am honestly shocked that this series actually has been aired (as of this review) four times and hasn't been yanked! I literally had a headache after watching ONE episode.
It doesn't even matter what side you lean on in the political spectrum. It's trash regardless. Instead of smart satire it's just straight up a sad attempt at a South Park ripoff. Shame.
I never even write reviews but if there's any chance that I can contribute to the cancelation of the tone deaf and insulting piece of whatever the hell then I'm taking it.
- dogswoofing
- Feb 13, 2022
- Permalink
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you gave an A. I. flash animation software and safe, popularly accepted primetime sensibilities... then set it loose to make a South Park clone? Well look no further. Fairview is a masterclass in soulless, corporate, imitative "satire". You'll be better off watching retail training animation. Don't expect this one to be picked up for a second season.
- thegingerthejester
- Feb 9, 2022
- Permalink
I'm sorry. I decided to have a go at this show and I wanted to like this show. I really did. Yet, I didn't. I didn't at all. The jokes are terrible and feels too in-your-face, the characters are one-dimensional and unlikable, and the animation is cheap and ugly - I don't think they can even emote.
Please, please avoid this show.
Please, please avoid this show.
I'd give it less than zero if I could. To call it a piece of sh-- is an insult to sh--. IMBD wants 150 characters but this travesty leaves me speechless.
- mrob-47405
- Feb 9, 2022
- Permalink
I pray nightly that Comedy Central will create new shows that are actually funny. I send six letters a day to their network executives as well. My prayers and letters continue to go unheard. I shall keep trying.
Jokes don't land, premise is not great, and just pokes fun at small town America. Definitely written by out of touch people who don't know what small town life is actually like.
- deskdrawer
- Mar 2, 2022
- Permalink
I've given this show multiple chances, and it always disappoints. The characters seem to think they are funny themselves because they are loud about political views, but they aren't funny even if you agree with said views. I wish this show would be canceled and stricken from history.
- bkenny2393
- Mar 22, 2022
- Permalink
The visuals are lazy. The concept is generally dumb. The characters are not likable whatsoever. But most of all, we are tired of the lazy writing. This woke BS needs to stop. Put a LITTLE effort into your shows.
It's ironic how unfunny Comedy Central has become over the last few years. South Park is all they have left and even they are hit and miss lately.
It's ironic how unfunny Comedy Central has become over the last few years. South Park is all they have left and even they are hit and miss lately.
- Feb 27, 2022
- Permalink
I don't know what they are going for here, just blatantly trying to be south park without the satire or nuance. Fiarview is too on the nose, like it's trying to make fun of these types of people by making them overly and blatantly stupid, but the whole town is this way and without the voice of reason it just tanks, However long it takes for this show to get cancelled is too long.