I will still watch Wheeler Dealers, that is if I can handle the "High Energy" music and sound effects which detract, not thrill or improve the show in any way. Ant seems a nice chap but the truncated mechanical aspects which added so much to the show are gone; what a terrible shame.
I have watched the program since its introduction into the U.S. market and it has certainly changed; the changes were an improvement until last season when something wasn't "Clicking" in the formula.
When buying a new "Business", in this case a TV program with a proved formula, the last thing to do is make changes to components which have made the entity an asset. What a shame.
A unique asset has been made a run of the mill "Show".
Mr. Brewer, as you are the remaining component of the original program you must accept the responsibility for the result.
Sometimes the best thing to do rather than compromise is "Let it Go".