Keythe Farley credited as playing...
Thane Krios • Fortack • Guard • Mine Foreman
- Thane Krios: Amonkira, Lord of Hunters, grant that my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness.
- Commander Shepard: I take it you're a scientist?
- Fortack: I used to be a scientist. I designed weapons. Now my genius is wasted on frivolous things. Things that don't explode. My predecessor said no one would understand the true worth of my work. As I pulled my blade from his chest, I knew he was telling the truth.
- Commander Shepard: Not exactly what I would call effective academic peer review.
- Thane Krios: Kolyat.
- Kolyat Krios: This... this is a joke. Now? *Now* you show up?
- Joram Talid: Help me, drell. I'll do whatever you want.
- Captain Bailey: C-Sec. Put the gun down, son.
- Kolyat Krios: Get out of my way. I'm walking out. He's coming with me.
- Thane Krios: They'll have snipers outside.
- Kolyat Krios: I don't need your help! All of you, back off! I'll kill him!
- Commander Shepard: [Renegade option] No, you won't.
- [shoots Talid dead]
- Kolyat Krios: Oh my gods...
- Commander Shepard: Hostages only work when your enemy cares if they live.
- Thane Krios: Interesting solution.
- Commander Shepard: He was a racist and a criminal. Isn't that enough?
- Thane Krios: To some, I suppose.
- Kolyat Krios: I read your files. Isn't that what you do? Kill people who do bad things?
- Captain Bailey: [to C-Sec officer] Take the boy into custody.
- Kolyat Krios: You son of a bitch!
- Commander Shepard: Your father and I have killed a lot of people. You haven't. There's no reason you should start.
- Kolyat Krios: I read his files. What made it okay for *him* to kill all those years?
- Thane Krios: I was six when the hanar began to train me. I didn't know any better. Your mother woke me from my battle sleep.
- Kolyat Krios: Then why did you leave her? Why weren't you there when she died?
- Thane Krios: Your mother - they killed her to get to me. It was my fault.
- Kolyat Krios: What?
- Thane Krios: After her body was given to the deep, I went to find them. The trigger men. The ringleaders. I hurt them. Eventually killed them. When I went back to see you you were... older. I should have stayed with you.
- Kolyat Krios: I guess it's too bad for me you waited so long, huh?
- Thane Krios: Kolyat, I've taken many bad things out of the world. You're the only good thing I ever added to it.
- Commander Shepard: The last time we talked, you started speaking about a past event as if you were watching it.
- Thane Krios: Drell have perfect memories. We can relive any moment in our life with perfect clarity. It's difficult to control at times. Some of us disappear into... well, let's call it "solipsism."
- Commander Shepard: What do you mean, solipsism?
- Thane Krios: When a memory feels as real as life, it's as valid as life. Thinking about a moment brings back the smell of cut grass, the warmth of another's hand on yours, the taste of another's tongue in your mouth. Wouldn't you rather lose yourself in such a memory then spend the night alone, staring at walls of metal and plastic?
- Commander Shepard: Isn't that a rather personal memory to talk about?
- Thane Krios: Forgive me. Lately I have spent a great deal of time reviewing my life. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.
- Commander Shepard: Isn't there a risk that you could lose yourself in bad memories as well?
- Thane Krios: Of course. Remembering the times I've taken bullets is... unpleasant. But I can look at my knee and see it's not shattered. The memories that are hard to escape are those of despair.
- Commander Shepard: You can remember everything that happened in your life?
- Thane Krios: Nearly. I expect if we remembered the birth trauma, we'd never recover from it.