The Forger is a biographical drama based on the life of Cioma Schönhaus, a Jewish graphic artist who forged documents to help hundreds of people escape the Nazis during World War II. The film follows his daring exploits as he evades capture, falls in love, and enjoys life despite the horrors around him. Louis Hofmann delivers a captivating performance as Cioma, portraying him as a charismatic, witty, and resourceful hero who never loses his zest for life. The film also features a strong supporting cast, including Luna Wedler as Cioma's love interest Lilo, and Jonathan Berlin as his friend and fellow forger Fritz.
The film is directed and written by Maggie Peren, who skillfully balances the tone between suspense, humor, romance, and tragedy. The film does not shy away from showing the brutality of the Nazi regime, but also highlights the resilience and courage of those who resisted it. The film also captures the atmosphere of Berlin in the 1940s, with its vibrant nightlife, cultural diversity, and artistic flair.
The Forger is a compelling and inspiring story that celebrates the power of art, love, and humanity in the face of evil. It is a tribute to Cioma Schönhaus and all those who risked their lives to save others during one of history's darkest periods.