Tim Curry credited as playing...
Arl Rendon Howe
- Arl Rendon Howe: Sire? I have more news. Err... yes. Well, it seems that the fighting has gone exactly as you...
- Queen Anora: [interrupts] Enough! I would like to know what you intend to accomplish, Father. Should we not be fighting the darkspawn instead of each other?
- Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir: The nobility shall be brought into line and then the darkspawn defeated. This is no true blight, Anora. Only Cailan's vanity demanded it be so.
- Arl Rendon Howe: Beg your pardon, Sire. But blight or no, we may not have the manpower to face the darkspawn soon.
- Queen Anora: Cailan approached the Orlesians for support, did he...
- Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir: [interrupts] NEVER! Maric and I drove those bastards OUT! We will not roll out the welcome for them now!
- Queen Anora: We need help, father! We cannot deal with this crisis alone!
- Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir: FERELDEN WILL STAND ON ITS OWN! I will lead it through this, Anora! You must have faith in me!
- Queen Anora: Did you kill Cailan?
- [Long silence]
- Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir: Cailan's death was his own doing.
- [Anora storms out, upset]