16 reviews
I'm not a fan of Alex Jones and the truther mentality. I could do with out the attempt to link 9/11 to this somehow by clips in the beginning. I also found his intro to be over the top and take away from the feature.
That being said, even a clock can be right twice a day.
This was intriguing and eye opening. I do not take single sources for information and run with it, instead looking into the people labeled as doctors and my own experience as an "essential worker".
First, I was surprised at how many people obviously don't know these things, because we saw them everyday. Then I was shocked at some of the horrific stories related by the families of those in nursing homes. Hearing about it and seeing it are two different things.
The best part of this is it uses the medias own reporting, in context, to prove its point. How can a media organization deny their own reporting?
All in all, worth a watch.
That being said, even a clock can be right twice a day.
This was intriguing and eye opening. I do not take single sources for information and run with it, instead looking into the people labeled as doctors and my own experience as an "essential worker".
First, I was surprised at how many people obviously don't know these things, because we saw them everyday. Then I was shocked at some of the horrific stories related by the families of those in nursing homes. Hearing about it and seeing it are two different things.
The best part of this is it uses the medias own reporting, in context, to prove its point. How can a media organization deny their own reporting?
All in all, worth a watch.
- tawnmaru-56672
- Oct 2, 2021
- Permalink
The above documentary is probably the most powerful video I have seen this year. There couldn't be a more sincere presentation of the facts than how they have presented this with all of the doctors and nurses that are telling their stories.
It is clear to me that this scamdemic was carefully orchestrated by people at Fauci's level. How many of us have debated acquaintances who work in the medical field and tell us that it really is as bad as the news is telling us. Show them this video, and have them explain the dichotomies.
It is clear to me that this scamdemic was carefully orchestrated by people at Fauci's level. How many of us have debated acquaintances who work in the medical field and tell us that it really is as bad as the news is telling us. Show them this video, and have them explain the dichotomies.
- dhughey-55873
- Oct 7, 2021
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- andrewloza
- Oct 5, 2021
- Permalink
This deserves an award. It is a fantastic documentary.
- juliagomez55
- Oct 7, 2021
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It's good to ask questions and research in addition to anything any form of media is telling you, however , instead of simply doubting, it seems easier to declare that it was a fake, with zero evidence and only feelings that the pieces don't fit the way you would expect them to.
This is the basis for this documentary. Feelings of anger and distrust.
Let's not forget everyone has an agenda at the end of the day and this does not exclude the producer of this documentary.
Something "feeling fishy" is not proof of a conspiracy. Documented evidence of a conspiracy is the only such evidence. This is not something Covidland provides.
Board room conspiracies can be true, but grand conspiracies have never been so far. As the conspiracy grows large enough, it will eventually just collapse under its own weight, and thus, never becomes a grand conspiracy.
This is the basis for this documentary. Feelings of anger and distrust.
Let's not forget everyone has an agenda at the end of the day and this does not exclude the producer of this documentary.
Something "feeling fishy" is not proof of a conspiracy. Documented evidence of a conspiracy is the only such evidence. This is not something Covidland provides.
Board room conspiracies can be true, but grand conspiracies have never been so far. As the conspiracy grows large enough, it will eventually just collapse under its own weight, and thus, never becomes a grand conspiracy.
- Cookiejar55
- Oct 30, 2022
- Permalink
Excellent documentary professionally produced and directed. A deeper look into the so called "epidemic".
I won't get into the nitty gritty regarding the out of context (or completely lacking in context) information in this film. But as the creators appreciate alternative facts, I thought they might also appreciate some alternative titles to the first episode (which is the only one available at the time of writing).
Fear Tactic: The Movie For a film that starts out with a 9/11 montage with a voice over about how you can't trust people because they use fear to control other, the film issues a lot of dire warnings. At one point the film and its experts claim the government is literally murdering patients and elderly in order to profit... somehow.
God Complex: The Movie Toward the end of the film, there's a montage of American flag wielding citizens proclaiming they're protecting our freedom from tyranny. One individual goes so far as to compare the lockdowns and mask mandates as suffering similar to those from the wars. The entire proclamation felt more like they were looking for excuses to place their unfettered and unexplainable rage.
Beating a Dead Horse: the Movie The first episode extends the runtime by showing extended sequences of talking heads making the same points over and over; most of which are anecdotal. The pacing struggles as there is what felt to be a 5 minute scene of an elderly woman crying because she couldn't hold her husband of 75 years. Sad, to be sure, but once the point is made, the film should move. Many times a comment or statement will be made and run over and over for several minutes instead of spending the time to actually provide and factual information to backup the claim.
Documentary: the "Movie" This does not a documentary make. True documentaries are made with nuance, balance, journalism, and substance. They let the audience decide what to think provided the information presented. This is pointed. This is what the US government would call "propaganda" in ww2. This piece would be a red flag demonstration exemplifying the use of pointed, rhetorical hypotheticals instead of messaging or query.
I gave it 2 stars for production value though. The editing is pretty well done (excepting the pace) and the interviews have beautiful lighting.
Fear Tactic: The Movie For a film that starts out with a 9/11 montage with a voice over about how you can't trust people because they use fear to control other, the film issues a lot of dire warnings. At one point the film and its experts claim the government is literally murdering patients and elderly in order to profit... somehow.
God Complex: The Movie Toward the end of the film, there's a montage of American flag wielding citizens proclaiming they're protecting our freedom from tyranny. One individual goes so far as to compare the lockdowns and mask mandates as suffering similar to those from the wars. The entire proclamation felt more like they were looking for excuses to place their unfettered and unexplainable rage.
Beating a Dead Horse: the Movie The first episode extends the runtime by showing extended sequences of talking heads making the same points over and over; most of which are anecdotal. The pacing struggles as there is what felt to be a 5 minute scene of an elderly woman crying because she couldn't hold her husband of 75 years. Sad, to be sure, but once the point is made, the film should move. Many times a comment or statement will be made and run over and over for several minutes instead of spending the time to actually provide and factual information to backup the claim.
Documentary: the "Movie" This does not a documentary make. True documentaries are made with nuance, balance, journalism, and substance. They let the audience decide what to think provided the information presented. This is pointed. This is what the US government would call "propaganda" in ww2. This piece would be a red flag demonstration exemplifying the use of pointed, rhetorical hypotheticals instead of messaging or query.
I gave it 2 stars for production value though. The editing is pretty well done (excepting the pace) and the interviews have beautiful lighting.
The documentary has many reputable experts on to poke gaping holes in the media narrative. If only it could reach more people.
More fodder for those that want to hear that their failures are not their fault- it's a giant plot to prevent you from being successful.
Unfortunately, it's a lot more complicated than that & continuing to insulate yourself in a world that reinforces your deepest desires is a recipe to continue down the path you're on. Worse yet- these are the people capitalizing on the fear you feel for their own financial gain.
Please go and listen to Alex Jones when he was out under oath during a defamation lawsuit. You won't, bc it's not what you want to hear, which already proved the point. If you do muster the courage to listen to him, in his own words, admit to how he and others are conning you, just know that there are people who will welcome you back to the real world. It's never too late.
Unfortunately, it's a lot more complicated than that & continuing to insulate yourself in a world that reinforces your deepest desires is a recipe to continue down the path you're on. Worse yet- these are the people capitalizing on the fear you feel for their own financial gain.
Please go and listen to Alex Jones when he was out under oath during a defamation lawsuit. You won't, bc it's not what you want to hear, which already proved the point. If you do muster the courage to listen to him, in his own words, admit to how he and others are conning you, just know that there are people who will welcome you back to the real world. It's never too late.
- mike-57253
- Dec 15, 2021
- Permalink
I just posted the link of the movie on my facebook's page and instantly facebook send me a message that the information in the movie is FALSE INFORMATION by independent FACT-CHECKERS. Therefore I take facebook's "concern" as: You must watch it - two thumbs Up !!!
- grunia2009
- Oct 16, 2021
- Permalink
Everything here is great .
People always forget very fast what happened in the past, but with this amazing documentary, we can now put all the pieces together to show everyone how he/she was fooled to follow government clowns.
Everyone should share this as much as he/she can, we must be allowed to say our opinion without being muted everywhere.
Even if we're wrong we still have the right to say what we think, then people have all the rights to accept or refuse, but being threatened and disabled is the real pandemic.
People always forget very fast what happened in the past, but with this amazing documentary, we can now put all the pieces together to show everyone how he/she was fooled to follow government clowns.
Everyone should share this as much as he/she can, we must be allowed to say our opinion without being muted everywhere.
Even if we're wrong we still have the right to say what we think, then people have all the rights to accept or refuse, but being threatened and disabled is the real pandemic.
- mohamedalishahin
- Dec 27, 2021
- Permalink
Must see to wake up all your friends and family! Can't wait to wake the world up to the extermination taking place.
- ncammack-05414
- Oct 7, 2021
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A huge disservice to the men and women who have carried the world through the pandemic. In a time when our country should have come together to keep Americans from dying, it is people like those in this propaganda film who continue to politicize and downplay the 700,000+ deaths our country has suffered through disiniformation and conspiracy theories.