Bobby Cassidy trained two world champions: Donny Lalonde and Lonnie Bradley.
The director edited a short titled "After the Fight' (2010), based on this film and materials collected during its production, including b&w still memorabilia photos and TV broadcast fights, and interviews with members of Ring 8 (New York Boxing Association), namely Bobby Bartels, Bobby Cassidy Jr.', Zetna Fuentes, Lenny Mangiapane, Tonny DiBiaggio, Emily Griffith, Gerry Cooney, Joe Micheli, Larry Holmess, Vito Antuofermo, and Jackie Tonawanda. That short's premiere was at Cinemateca Portuguesa, Lisbon (Portugal), during a cycle of films on Boxing, June 23, 2010, and then shown non stop during the month of July. It has not been commercially released yet. (August 1, 2010)