24 reviews
I LOVE this show and 'some' of the positive influences that the show portrays. I would have given this a 10 but there is one person of the show who should be permanently removed; yes Farrah. She is such an ignorant person. She's so mean to her mom and shows her actions are OK in front of her child as she reacts towards her mom. Come on now, your child is seeing this and a child reactions are from what they see and are exposed to. I wouldn't be shocked to see the baby girl acting the same way to Farrah as Farrah acts towards her mom; Farrah is allowing her t do this now to her mom. It's time to get over the way her mom was when she was younger, you live, learn and move on. It's time for that. I just wished she would see this and her mom would just let her grow and realize what she has and come to her own realization that it's mistreatment. I feel so sorry for Farrah's mom and daughter, even those whom she encounter. She's a time bomb that's exploding slowly and getting worse as it goes along. GET IT TOGETHER FARRAH, GROW UP. PLEASE MTV, continue to air the show and portray the positive people and their actions, but remove Farrah. She alone, miserable, and a sad, sad, case. The is and will be so much better without her. The other ladies are GREAT, show positiveness in their actions and lives; it's always that bad apple, 'Farrah', that ruins the whom bunch. She's BAD for the show and should not be aired on any future ones-should there be any.
Okay I dont even know how many seasons there are of this to date, but its one too many. All of the girls are living a lifestyle one can only dream of, just from being a knocked up teen. Its hard to believe this show is still going, and its gone downhill rapidly. Half of the girls have more issues than Vogue, and most of the storylines are full of fake scenarios just to get viewers or attention. It has glamorized teen pregnancy in many ways because those girls and their children will never struggle like normal teen mums do. I used to watch this show religiously, but it run its course long ago and I'm just not interested anymore.
I avoid reality shows in general, but find those that challenge people athletically to be tolerable. But THIS one, which I have avoided until I recently, out of boredom, made the unfortunate choice of watching - completely sent me over the edge. I found myself asking the question: which teen mom do I want to slap the hardest? And which of their parents should be slapped even harder? First, Farrah: Spoiled, shallow, defensive, angry, and totally removed from reality. After watching Farrah verbally abuse her mother thru 4 episodes, and give away a dog because it was inconvenient to make the effort to train it, it makes me cringe to think about what kind of person, her toddler, Sophia will be. Most likely, Sophia will be: spoiled, shallow, defensive, angry, totally removed from reality, and hopefully rude as hell to her overbearing, narcissistic mother. Farrah seems to believe she's a Kardashian. She's not. Then there is Maci: a pretty, blond who is bored with life. In every scene, between flipping her hair around, she seems to be constantly thinking about how to stir up conflict, and has to be the center of attention at any cost. Her poor child, Bentley, named after a vehicle, is never allowed to be away from her because she disrupts his peace by appearing wherever he is, and making him want to be with her to the point of crying pitifully. I noticed Maci's skin progressively deteriorating into flagrant acne after a few episodes, and her personality becoming more manipulative and less pretty. Then there is Amber: this girl was ruined before she started. She has no imagination, and wallows in self-pity. I shudder at the thought that she has a child, and hope she is never allowed to raise a child. Catelynn is the most interesting of all the teen moms because she actually loved her child enough to sacrifice her own selfish desires and place her child with a good family. Her child actually has a chance at being raised to have self esteem, and a future. Catelynn has the most dysfunctional parenting situation of all the teen moms, yet has the most supportive partner in Tyler who actually listens to her, and doesn't make every scene about him. Tyler, who also has to literally raise his own father, the idiot Butch, seems unusually stable and mature for his age. I found myself rooting the most for Catelynn to succeed because, although she is very young and has NO role models, she is the most unselfish of the 4 teen mom's. As far as this show representing anything about reality, it does not. Most teenage girls who get pregnant don't have the money to live in their own apartments and go to college, or hire a nanny. This show actually encourages teenage girls to get pregnant, and I'm very disappointed that MTV would participate in such a trashy project. How about a reality show entitled, "Hollywood Whores?" featuring the soul traders of Hollywood, and how many lives they ruin in exchange for profit, sexual favors, and promises of success that will never happen? I'd watch that.
- filmchaser
- Aug 24, 2012
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- mburke1124-87-593294
- Sep 13, 2011
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Now, call this a case of the pot calling the kettle black, because reality shows are aimed toward my demographic. Some I watch out of curiosity, like Love Island, others I am just baffled and avoid like the plague.
The basic premise of this show is that it revolves around a bunch of shallow teenage girls who ended up getting pregnant and becoming celebrities. That's it. Honestly, how this show even got to air is absolutely beyond me. You hear stories that reality shows promote bad messages to young people and you see them struggling with mental health and body image. What message is this sending out: "Girls, if you want to REALLY become famous, get pregnant by a scumbag and you'll be golden!" Yeah, that's the way to do it. Much to the detriment of your social life and education.
And what will happen to them when their five minutes of unwarranted fame are over and their boyfriend runs off with the next floozy he comes across? You know, the one he met behind the KFC that closed down due to food poisoning.
And I doubt these girls are good role models to their children. I bet they just parade them around like those dogs in handbags before dumping them on their smackhead parents and going off to party with their shallow mates.
In short, this show must be immediately cancelled and consigned to the history books.
The basic premise of this show is that it revolves around a bunch of shallow teenage girls who ended up getting pregnant and becoming celebrities. That's it. Honestly, how this show even got to air is absolutely beyond me. You hear stories that reality shows promote bad messages to young people and you see them struggling with mental health and body image. What message is this sending out: "Girls, if you want to REALLY become famous, get pregnant by a scumbag and you'll be golden!" Yeah, that's the way to do it. Much to the detriment of your social life and education.
And what will happen to them when their five minutes of unwarranted fame are over and their boyfriend runs off with the next floozy he comes across? You know, the one he met behind the KFC that closed down due to food poisoning.
And I doubt these girls are good role models to their children. I bet they just parade them around like those dogs in handbags before dumping them on their smackhead parents and going off to party with their shallow mates.
In short, this show must be immediately cancelled and consigned to the history books.
- tomdaly-17436
- Oct 20, 2019
- Permalink
It astounds me that there are TV producers anywhere who would lower themselves to create such garbage. What's even more astounding is that anyone would waste their valuable time watching stuff the surely destroys brain cells with every minute watched.
Who even needs to see this stuff that has absolutely no socially redeeming value? Why do we need to portray these people of poor decision making to the world as something to be emulated? With hundreds of channels available on cable, how does this junk attract even one viewer?
There's so little to say about this vapid stuff that it's difficult to even write 500 characters of its awfulness.
Who even needs to see this stuff that has absolutely no socially redeeming value? Why do we need to portray these people of poor decision making to the world as something to be emulated? With hundreds of channels available on cable, how does this junk attract even one viewer?
There's so little to say about this vapid stuff that it's difficult to even write 500 characters of its awfulness.
Adelinachavez get a life. No one cares that you love the show with all your heart and that you don't think it's a bad influence on America because more people think it is than not.
- jesst-91580
- Oct 23, 2018
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Yeah, it sucks to fall pregnant young...
However most of these parents have turned their lives around and that is inspiring. They're also fantastic parents and a role model for future generations (except Farah).
- vanessasinclair-60068
- Oct 8, 2020
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This is trash TV at its best. But lets face it, trash TV is the most entertaining TV. All the girls are very entertaining and pretty and fun to watch, you can tell that the producers selected them very carefully. There's Farrah the angry brat who is forever arguing with her mom and is eventually assaulted by her. There's Maci the jealous, bitter skinny redhead with acne who just lives to fight with her ex's beautiful girlfriends. Then there's Amber the violent tubby girl who eventually loses a huge amount of weight through drug use and lastly there's the only likable teen mom, Catelynn, a friendly, overweight girl with an alcoholic mom. There's never a dull moment, it's very entertaining and it doesn't feel staged at all. Lots of people rag at this show claiming it glamorised teen pregnancy and maybe it does, but so what?
Teen OG contains some of the better mums like Catelyn and Maci! Farah doesn't deserve the attention she gets as she is as fake as they come, however even though Amber has issues too, I feel as though with the right help and guidance she could go a long way.
This has to be one of the worst shows ever..we shouldn't promote pregnant / mom teens. They are bad examples for our teens period.. when my mother was a teen They wouldn't even let a pregnant teen go to school because it promotes the wrong things to other teens. Period. What is wrong with society that thus is now accepted?
- kelliewebb-48104
- Jul 4, 2021
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I can not stand this show. They teach young teenagers to have baby's. All these girls had nothing when they started the show they was struggling in life witch I will say that sucks but they did it to there self. I found out my teenage daughter watches this show she is 13. Know she wants to have a baby because she said she wants to b rich like the ppl on teen mom because they r on TV. U ppl r promoting this to young girls and they see how them girls had nothing and now they r loaded because of TV. I think the show should b shut down it teaches young girls to want baby's not cool.
- davidconner-65914
- Jan 6, 2022
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I'm sorry But what the Happened to Music Television? This ain't good..It's filled With teen pregnancy and MTV
Moving to Comedy Central!
- freddyverdugo
- Mar 10, 2020
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I am sooooo haaapppy the witch is gone. Now I don't have to watch Teen Mom OG by skip all her part in the show. Hate Farrah and her daughter who is no different from her. Not her fault.
This show has been on for an extremely long time, and tbh, I don't think any new moms needed to be added. It was fine just the way it was with the original moms other than Farrah. It is not the same with the new moms on there. It takes away from the moms that actually HAD TO STRUGGLE. These new moms already had fortune/fame and cannot compared to the OG moms. I think MTV screwed up this time.
- bringitbby
- Oct 6, 2018
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I am truly concerned about teens thinking this show depicts the truth about getting pregnant at such a young age. Do they really
want girls think that it's ok because these certain girls have decided to keep a baby and just like the show...things will work out ?
And speaking of " girls " how come I'm seeing teens that were on the show about ten years ago. Don't they have a life besides being on the show ? I've seen two couples in particular that has to be thirty or close to it ......The show makes it look like they're wrong if they choose abortion. No one wants to have one but these children have to know it's an option and their live can go on .
And speaking of " girls " how come I'm seeing teens that were on the show about ten years ago. Don't they have a life besides being on the show ? I've seen two couples in particular that has to be thirty or close to it ......The show makes it look like they're wrong if they choose abortion. No one wants to have one but these children have to know it's an option and their live can go on .
- maryagnes-75550
- Jan 29, 2023
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I have discontinued viewing this show nor do I allow my African American Granddaughters to watch! I lived In a era when little black Teenage unwed girls brought shame to their families neighbors church members, they were hid sent away housed in girls juvenile homes and etc. Now this Teen Mom Be for Real show to glamorize and make celebrities out of these self admission no contraception using little sorry poor little white girls. Please Hollywood star Kailyn having babies suing other castmates demanding her own tv show raises! Are you kidding me? MTV shame on you! Glorifying these overpaid Brainless Uteruses! Kailyn Lowry 5X Baby Momma to add your "Resume" PP-Please.
- mdsparttime
- Aug 2, 2022
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- adelinachavez
- Mar 8, 2017
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First of all why is Bristol on "teen" mom when she's not the teen, she like 30 and old enough to have children? And I don't feel bad for her about Dakota. She wasn't supportive of him when he tried to talk to her about his PTSD and was asking for her support. And I read her book "Not Afraid Of Life" and from what read she treated Levi Johnson poorly. He got her flowers and she didn't even appreciate it. She complain she didn't like flowers. And was always getting jealous. I think she gets all she deserve. I don't see how Dakota did her wrong at all. He seems nice to me and was nice to her.
- aishaclarke-28631
- Feb 9, 2022
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I see a lot of comments saying Brianna is the bad one, and she is replacing the idiot Farrah, but I don't agree. If anyone is disrespectful and rude , it's Kail. "She is salty" it's ok for her to go have kids with every guy who looks at her, but heaven forbid an ex move on. She acted a fool when JO met Vee ( love vee !!) on the finale with dr drew, he tried to get Kail to give vee a chance, kail refused saying she is not ok with her drinking and smoking weed and since that was the first impression she had of vee, she was not going to allow her to be around Isaac. Dr, drew quickly put that brod in her place, saying a lot of people's first impressions of her, is her temper, and her hitting jo,and Javi. She stormed off stage it was a great moment. Kail is so jealous that both of her exes found beautiful women who actually match them, instead of her linebacker looking ass ( she looks like a football player next to them).
She has this big mouth, talking about she don't want Brianna around her child, but had the odasity to say Brianna and her family ganged up on her? Um no. If anyone threatened anyone in front of a child, it was her stubby looking friend stone, when she went in to bris room talking crap to Brianna while she was holding her child. Usually the ones with the big bark, have no bite and really are scared, she hid out in her room all day, that's so funny. I think brittney would of whooped her. Kail thinks she's better than everyone, she's a joke. She has said once she knows she is the most hated teen mom, I agree. She makes this show, jerrry springer, no one else. She's he only one hitting people.
I do agree when people say more Chelsea, she is the star of the show and she is the one with class. She don't start drama, like The others (Leah , Jenelle and Kail ). I do have a lot more to say , but this is long enough. (But i will say I can't wait to see David off the show) he's another idiot. He has Jenelle like a puppet, and she's stupid enough to let him control the strings.
- frome-27786
- Jun 11, 2018
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I'm glad to see the original Teen Mom's back on TV but I have to agree with Maci that Farrah should have never been brought back on the show. Farrah has far too many issues and creates a trailer trash yet entitled vibe. I can't stand her catty attitude and the fact that she has introduced another spoiled brat into the world in poor little Sophia. She thinks she's worked hard for everything she has in life but she was lucky, and I use that term loosely.
Aside from Farrah's bad influence, I still love seeing what's going on with the other three girls. They are still learning all the time and continue to make plenty of mistakes in life but they are genuinely trying. It's nice to see how much they have grown up in the past six years and I will continue to watch for as long as the show aires.
Aside from Farrah's bad influence, I still love seeing what's going on with the other three girls. They are still learning all the time and continue to make plenty of mistakes in life but they are genuinely trying. It's nice to see how much they have grown up in the past six years and I will continue to watch for as long as the show aires.
- Shopaholic35
- Jun 20, 2015
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- anne-98390
- Apr 1, 2024
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- celiaburlingame
- Dec 7, 2024
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