Remnant is an independent Australian horror thriller by Outlaw Films, with sci-fi and supernatural elements. Set in a small country town, the film follows the story of Grace who, because of an experimental brain technology, is the only survivor of a car accident that claims the life of her parents.
As Grace tries to recover back at her family home with the help of her friend Kate, she experiences unexpected symptoms from the implant and visions of a ghost that is trying to tell her something about what has happened to her. As her suspicions grow and the situation becomes more sinister, she is set on a journey to unravel the past and uncover the terror that is plaguing her.
This is a great debut entry into the horror thriller genre. Created by a small Australian team, it achieves some excellent cinematography, with a number of unique and well executed shots adding to the appeal. The compelling story contains many different strands which weave together culminating in a final confrontation, and keeps you guessing until the end.
Supported by excellent performances from local Australian actors, an atmospheric score and some great practical effects, Remnant is a testament to what can be achieved by small independent productions.
Being a local film, I had been following along with its production and looked forward to the release. I had the pleasure of seeing it at the outdoor premiere in Mudgee and it was a great experience. It was fantastic to see how well the film turned out and to see people's reactions as we watched. There was a lot of chatter afterwards, and people discussing their theories on the ending. I am very much looking forward to seeing what Mike Horan and Outlaw Films have in store for us in the future.