Wade Williams credited as playing...
Black Mask
- Black Mask: I'm being forced into negotiating with a psychotic.
- Ms. Li: That doesn't sound good.
- Black Mask: No. It's going to be a nightmare.
- Joker: [playing with a lighter] I'm sorry, could you hold on? I was just in the middle of setting fire to your gang!
- Red Hood: Go ahead! You think I care if that scum dies?
- Joker: Don't know, I just wanted your attention!
- Red Hood: You've always had my attention. But what I really wanted was an audience with you!
- Joker: I'm sorry, that seems to imply that YOU organized this little flambé.
- Red Hood: I did. Sure, I had lots of plans. But the endgame was getting Black Mask so desperate that he'd cut a deal. He was the only one with the connections to get into Arkham, and get you out.
- Black Mask: You can't trust anybody...
- Joker: So I've been bamboozled. Oh, my.
- Red Hood: I wouldn't undersell it. It took a lot of work to bring about our reunion.
- Joker: Reunion? Have we met before?
- Red Hood: Yes, we have.
- Joker: [finally ignites the lighter] Well, here's to warm memories!
- [drops it into the truck]
- Black Mask: I want this man dead. When I say "dead," I mean seriously dead. Beaten, broken. His head mounted-on-my-wall kind of dead!
- Ms. Li: Understood. We'll be taking further precautions at every transaction...
- Black Mask: SCREW THAT! It's time he learns that this is a contact sport. We're going on offense. Rough up his business. Something big, something loud! When he shows up to shut us down, have a party waiting for him... and when I say "party", I actually mean A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE GONNA KILL HIM!
- Ms. Li: I figured.
- Black Mask: Just being clear.
- Black Mask: I hope you understand the trouble I've gone through to arrange this little get together here. A lot of money, a lot of dead meat. Look, I've got a problem, and you are absolutely the man who possesses the gifts to take care of this problem. I need you to murder the Red Hood. You think you can handle that?
- Joker: [Joker is eating a packet of chips and coughs] May I have some water?
- [One of Black Mask's agents gets him a glass of water, Joker breaks it over the end of the table and shoves it in the agent's throat, takes his gun and shoots the other agents, Black Mask stares down the barrel of the gun as Joker laughs maniacally, then sobers]
- Joker: I'm going to need... something to wear.
- [fingers the collar of his prison jumpsuit]
- Joker: And a very big truck.
- Black Mask: Sure. Anything else?
- Joker: I'll need some guys.
- [pause]
- Joker: Not these guys, because, well, they're kind of dead.
- [laughs maniacally]
- Black Mask: Are you telling me that scumbag stole my guns, *again*?
- Ms. Li: No, sir, he destroyed them. Blew up the truck, the driver...
- Black Mask: Damn it! Of all the... *damn it!*
- Ms. Li: Previously he was just enlisting anyone under our province to come work for him. Now he just seems to be killing them.
- Black Mask: Oh, so we got another Batman? One who doesn't mind the blood?
- Ms. Li: No, sir. He's no Batman. He's still taking huge cuts from off the streets. But now, he's eliminating the competition. He's coming after you.
- [Black Mask upends his desk in a rage and starts pacing the room]
- Black Mask: You wanna tell me why this guy ain't dead?
- Ms. Li: We're trying. We sent the Fearsome Hand of Four.
- Black Mask: [punches out his bodyguard] Four? Guess they're gonna need a new name.
- [punches out a second]
- Black Mask: Why hasn't Batman wiped this little smear off the face of the planet?
- Ms. Li: Maybe he doesn't want to. Perhaps he's letting your and the Red Hood war it out. He could be waiting...
- Black Mask: [punches out a third] To take on the winner? What does he think this is?
- [punches out a fourth]
- Black Mask: A *tennis tournament*?
- Ms. Li: I'm just saying...
- Black Mask: You're an idiot! And you don't know Batman! He's not letting this lunatic just run wild, he can't catch him either...! Or it's something else. Can't you feel it? We're stuck in the damn crossfire!
- [a laser dot appears on his chest, and he gasps. He looks out the window and sees the Red Hood on a rooftop, aiming a rocket launcher]
- Black Mask: Oh, hell...
- [Black Mask dashes out of the room, followed quickly by Ms. Li and the guards]
- Red Hood: Wow, he sure can move when he really wants to.
- [fires]
- [the Joker has captured Black Mask and Miss Li and kept them in a truck with some criminals]
- Black Mask: This wasn't part of the damn deal, you freak! Get me out of here, right now!
- Joker: [dumps gasoline into the truck] I thought you'd enjoy seeing some old faces. After all, most of these guys used to work for you.
- [Black Mask's new bodyguard can't stop staring]
- Black Mask: You, new guy.
- Bodyguard: Sir!
- Black Mask: Don't be nervous, kid... but if you keep staring at me like that, I'm gonna cut your eyes out.
- [punches him]